2016 秋季大會葳格國際會議中心
19–20 Nov Taichung City

2016 秋季大會在台中

Hello, Toastmasters. An unforgettable fall conference is happening soon.

About the event

Toastmasters is a place to be reborn and full of learning and growth. I transformed into an extrovert and gained confidence and friendship. I love Toastmasters!

How? I join regular meetings, trainings, contests and most importantly, I join Conferences. There is excitement, happy moments, the best speakers, performances and great educational trainings.

Join us for the 2016 Fall Conference in Taichung! The team has planned an awesome venue, fantastic speakers, and great events !

Come to experience the "Just Fall Fun" Conference !!





CEO Lisa Fang / 方麗慈

Hello Toastmasters,

In the Universe, beneath the sun

Will be a Fall Conference you won't forget soon

A event for all so full of cheer

A room full of people we all hold dear

So join us for District 67 Fall Conference 2016

Forget all your sorrows, worries, frustration

A toast to the season and don't you forget

This event invitation brings D67's celebration!

What? Fall Conference

When? 11/19-20

What to wear? Anything pretty, handsome or sexy.

What to bring? Toastmasters

Where? Wagor International Convention Center

No.328, Junfu 18th Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan

We'll provide education and entertainment, please bring us your presence and smiles.

Because of You, we succeed!

Best regards,
2016 Fall Conference

Div. B Director Diana Watson / 唐華瑄
Div. I Director Robert Macias / 羅伯特
Div. L Director Samantha Tu / 凃淑貞
Div. F Director Yu-xian Liu / 劉雨軒

CEO Lisa Fang / 方麗慈


Trainers 講師


days 天議程


workshops 工作坊

Trainers 講師

Meet our professionals

Darren LaCroix

Darren LaCroix

"Chump to Champ!"
"The Top 10 Speaking Mistakes"
"Create a Powerful Presentation Step-by-Step"

Caroline Kiang

Caroline Kiang

"Dream Big, Conquer the World"

Haishuo Lee

Haishuo Lee

"Secrets to Table Topics Speeches"

Paul Sharpe

Paul Sharpe ACS, ALB


Kevin Lin

Kevin Lin ACS, ALB

"Speech Techniques Appreciation 演講技巧實析"









"「如何講到心坎裡? - 了解你的聽眾」"



"「如何講到心坎裡? - 了解你的聽眾」"


洪淑娟 CC,ALS


Schedule 大會議程

A vast number of different speeches and activities

 Day 1 第一天  Day 2 第二天
2:20 PM
How to organize great events

Duis etiam et. Lorem eleifend aliquam. Dolor aenean sed. Gravida pellentesque duis nam erat pede per velit risus pellentesque aliquet turpis. Nonummy eros odio dapibus arcu tortor elit nonummy adipiscing. Purus leo ultrices blandit facilisis.

Lisa Fang

Mauris mi nonummy risus elit quis ut est gravida augue posuere elementum. Vitae dui proin consectetuer donec urna. Sit pede quis. Accumsan ipsum suscipit blandit purus amet. Sodales volutpat et. In ornare per sit ornare.

Lisa Fang
2:20 PM
How to organize great events

Nam nulla morbi. Enim velit vel magna nulla dolor. Auctor nisl ut quisque lectus lorem. Urna lacus quisque mi cursus suscipit quis phasellus vulputate. Dapibus consequat nullam elementum taciti massa. Et vitae amet nunc libero.

Lisa Fang
No schedule yet.
2:20 PM
How to organize great events

Blandit sed placerat justo curabitur libero ligula mauris senectus. Urna mollis in non venenatis eget. Mi lorem orci eu vitae platea. Lobortis et lobortis. Et maecenas sollicitudin. Rhoncus dictum ullamcorper et con wisi ligula tincidunt.

Lisa Fang

Senectus fusce ut. Montes faucibus corporis. Facilisis id amet nulla sociis donec nulla velit in nunc arcu consectetuer. Eleifend quisque in. Justo ut justo sit aliquam malesuada tellus velit suspendisse. Volutpat aliquam risus non aenean.

Lisa Fang

Nibh odio in vivamus pretium vivamus ullamcorper erat erat. Aliquip tortor justo. Nam venenatis leo. Rutrum at tellus. Tincidunt ac minus turpis urna et. At at sit integer in quam nullam placerat scelerisque est ligula.

Lisa Fang

Tellus tincidunt pede. Quam sed non nec ligula ut primis a et. Lorem nulla arcu parturient sem quam. Ut malesuada sapien. Dapibus etiam phasellus pellentesque ipsum erat venenatis phasellus amet. Faucibus scelerisque metus quis eaque.

Lisa Fang
2:20 PM
How to organize great events

Mollis lobortis gravida. Urna aliquam nonummy tortor aliquam dapibus. Imperdiet ac donec. Sit pharetra bibendum vitae fusce ullamcorper sed ad quam. Vel wisi magna massa mus lacus vestibulum vulputate nec. Pellentesque sit arcu pellentesque posuere.

Lisa Fang

At nunc eget. Con scelerisque nam in fermentum integer. Aliquet ultricies eget elit autem velit maecenas nunc blandit. In nisl vel vel auctor aliquam. Laoreet justo vestibulum nisl tellus convallis. Ornare mauris pellentesque in nec.

Lisa Fang
2:20 PM
How to organize great events

Praesent praesent semper parturient semper nec donec sit enim. Fames diam massa. Ultrices magna exercitationem ultricies ullamcorper volutpat. Est faucibus felis. Consequat et vitae aliquam nibh mi. Ipsum mauris etiam orci venenatis sem maecenas vestibulum.

Lisa Fang
2:20 PM
How to organize great events

Vitae tellus donec vivamus quam diam. Neque lorem ut nisl nisl ante ipsum eu accumsan phasellus ligula nisl. Eu mauris exercitationem. Nullam eu quam elementum sit phasellus. Erat tempus eiusmod. Ut volutpat venenatis eu feugiat.

Lisa Fang

Odio sed arcu. Lorem tempor mauris. Dolor vitae varius faucibus amet purus etiam vivamus congue sed etiam ullamcorper tellus et interdum. Ut libero interdum. Lacinia vel faucibus. Dis justo dolor enim ante nisl fames a.

Lisa Fang

Nunc est elementum. Lorem nullam id. Neque lorem sem. Quam nulla pretium augue condimentum lorem. Irure aliquam eget sapien in hendrerit vitae ducimus tincidunt diam wisi diam. Malesuada erat nibh natoque augue etiam semper justo.

Lisa Fang
2:20 PM
How to organize great events

Dui maecenas curabitur donec suspendisse ipsum. Vel luctus eros. Porttitor ac repudiandae. Mauris enim risus mauris litora ipsum lectus integer nullam. Sollicitudin mus tortor. Natoque metus etiam euismod bibendum ornare facilisi sit et dui sem.

Lisa Fang
2:20 PM
How to organize great events

Orci integer suspendisse. Iaculis libero primis rutrum pede eget at fermentum vel. Sem in turpis quis accumsan malesuada. Turpis id vivamus. Nec enim quasi potenti rhoncus id. Sed vestibulum ut tincidunt amet neque nulla vulputate.

Lisa Fang

Suscipit lacus tellus. Varius et at. Eros amet dignissim pede eget augue maecenas in sodales sed sapien nam venenatis lectus iaculis urna nunc dolor. Lobortis class dapibus. Aptent est donec. Ante dolor metus enim mollis.

Lisa Fang

Pharetra expedita lorem. Turpis ipsum sodales. Porttitor posuere ipsum vestibulum suspendisse pellentesque. Scelerisque a pellentesque molestie vel ullamcorper dolor scelerisque erat. In vestibulum in suspendisse duis ligula. Urna interdum purus amet mi rutrum maecenas elit.

Lisa Fang

Tickets 票種

Get yours while they are still available.

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報表 Report

what people say

My real Toastmasters journey started at my first conference in 2009 at Yang Mingshan. It was the second time I tried out for the Evaluation Contest and I wasn't a very enthusiastic member. To my surprise, I won. At that conference I was impressed to meet many talented speaking competitors and attend workshops where I learned skills that could help me with work and my personal life. "Maybe this Toastmasters stuff isn't so bad after all," I thought. For me, now Toastmasters conferences are like family reunions, learning opportunities and fun all wrapped up in one! Think of this Fall Conference as one of the stepping stones of your future, brilliant Toastmasters journey,too. Hope to see you there
我在Toastmasters的旅程要從2009年陽明山舉辦的大會開始。 2009年是我第二次參加評論比賽,而那時我還不是一個很熱衷的會員。 但令我驚訝的是,我居然贏得了比賽。 在那場比賽中我遇到了許多傑出的參賽者,並且藉由工作坊我學到了許多幫助我工作跟私人生活的技巧。 我心想"也許Toastmasters的會員都不賴嘛" 現在對我來說,Toastmasters大會就像是家庭聚會一樣,充滿著學習跟歡笑的樂趣。 今年的秋季大會也會像試金石一樣,讓你成為一個傑出跟閃耀的演說家。 我們秋季大會見。
Division B Director
Diana Watson
B部總監/ 唐華瑄
What's different since I joined TM in 2013? It's made me feel really amazing when I get on the stage. This is incredible because I can still feel the extreme fear, racing heart rate, cold sweats and stuttering delivery of when I had to make presentations during college. But after my time in TM, every time I get on stage I do enjoy it and feel like a superstar! This is the transformation I can only say was brought about by the exceptionally strong and effective TM program and culture.
你若問我加入Toastmaster 之後, 我有什麼改變?那就是它讓我非常享受在舞台上的時光。我仍然記得大學要作報告的時候,我非常地緊張、心跳加速、冷汗直流、口齒不清地念完我的簡報。 自從我加入Toastmaster 之後,我開始享受每一次站上舞台的機會,觀眾反應都非常的熱情,讓我覺得自己像巨星一樣。 我必須說這樣的改變來自於Toastmaster, 它強而有力的學習方案跟團體氣氛,讓我成為今天充滿自信跟光芒的我。
Division I Director
Robert Macias
I部總監/ 羅伯特
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much! ~ Helen Keller We cordially invite you to pay a visit to Taichung this fall, not only to enjoy the terrific weather and fabulous tourist spots, but to enhance your life by taking a beautiful learning journey with outstanding Toastmasters International members like you from all over Taiwan! Sign up now and see you then!
Division L Director
Samantha Tu
L部總監/ 凃淑貞
I, on behalf of Division F, welcome all of you to 2016 Fall Conference in Taichung. Please enjoy the fraternity with relaxation and passion. We wish you a wonderful time at 2016 Fall Conference.
歡迎全國菁英齊聚中台灣。謹代表F部,盡地主之誼,熱情歡迎貴賓蒞臨台中。 南、北會友到台中心情要放輕鬆,與中部地區爽朗悠閒風格彼此完美交融喔! 歡呼、尖叫、跳躍,盡情享受我們為您精心打造的「放浪秋大會」吧!
Division F Director
Yu-xian Liu
F部總監/ 劉雨軒
Buy Tickets 購票

Bank Information 匯款帳戶

Acct. holder name 戶名: 施炫全

Bank name 銀行: 臺灣銀行 (004) 中興新村分行

Acct. no. 帳號: 013-004-400-093

報名若有問題請聯繫,施炫全 Bill Shih
0919-507-128 babecasper3@yahoo.com.tw

Sponsors 友情贊助

Location 位置

  • 11月19日-20日
  • 台中市北屯區軍福十八路328號(台中葳格國際會議廳)