Caroline Kiang, DTM




English Educational Training 英語

Speech:Dream Big, Conquer the World.
Time    :2016/11/19 14:00~15:25
Location:Spain Room 西班牙廳 





         (Chairperson, Yuancheng Laning Marketing Co)


         (vice chairperson of promoting social business committee, Yunus Foudation)


         (Secretary-General, Chinese Association for Corporate Transformation, Innovation and Advancement)


         (immediate past District Director D67)

         中國文化大學 IMBA 商業溝通客座講師



         淡江大學管理學院 管理英文講師

         美國 - -紐約人壽最佳經理人獎

         美國 –P & K 房地產公司 Partner

         1. 芝加哥北一女校友會會長

         2. 北伊利諾州華人協會會長

         3. 美中華人學術協會會長

         4. Allstate Insurance Co. 主席獎

         2010 年秋季D67全國幽默演講亞軍

         2011 年春季D67全國備稿演講季軍

         2012  年度區總監 D67 (2012 Area governor of the year)

         2014  年度風雲會員D67 (2014 Toastmasters of the year)




Training : Dream Big and Conquer the World


Being called “the queen of founding new clubs” (創會女王),

being called “Idea Hamster” (點子王)


She made history for Toastmasters D67 this year.

With her leadership, more than 1000 people joined the Spring Conference 2016.

What’s more, she organized with team an incredible flash mob performance

for so many D67 members to remember for a life time.

The flash mob video accumulated over  100,000 views on You Tube,

even Toastmasters International October magazine made a special report

to tell all 340,000 international member to know D67 is an exciting place to visit.


It is the first time for local TV station to report about Spring Conference,

along with 20 newspaper reporters in attendance at the press conference.


In the last term,  D67 ranked 11 among all 100 districts.

This is exciting news for all D67 members.


Please join Caroline at this workshop and find out

how she can always make the impossible possible.