
Dear Leaders of District 67,

There is some good news to share with all of you. The District decided some subsidiary and incentive programs for our clubs/Areas/Divisions for this term (2014-2015). Please kindly pay attention to below content to ensure you will not miss the good news and its benefit.
1. District will subsidize portion of expenses in area contests and division contest this term (2014-2015).

The subsidies are as follows: For area contest by each area, NTD500; for division contest by each division, NTD2000. Division F will be subsidized for two contests, mandarin and Taiwanese, NTD2000 each.

The application of the subsidy is to be submitted by Division Governor with receipts of expenses for the contests.
2. District offers incentive programs to promote the strength of the following areas:
  (1) Incentive plan for “Membership Growth”:
    a) Each club with a net growth of 4 on 12/31/2014 will receive an award of NTD2000.
    b) Each club with a net growth of 4 between 1/1/2015 and 6/30/2015 will receive another award of NTD2000.
    c) Clubs who don’t reach Net Growth of 4 members in the first half year, can prolong the counting of Net Growth to one year. i.e. If a club has a Net Growth of 4 members from 7/1/2014 to 6/30/2015, then the club still can be awarded of NT$2000.
如過分會在上半年未達淨成長4人,那計算的期限可延長為一年,也就是說: 在一年內(從7/1/2014 到 6/30/2015)獲得淨成長4人的分會也可得2000元獎金。
    d) For above a) b) c) plans : The distribution ratio is 80%/20%, NTD1600 to winning club and NTD400 administration fee to the Division of the club.
上述a) b) c) 獎金分配比例為80%/20%,分會獲得1600元,部總監獲得行政費400元)
  (2) Incentive plan for “Membership Retention”:
“留住舊會員”方面, 設立獎勵辦法如下:
    Clubs with base membership 16 or greater at the beginning of the term (7/1/2014) is qualified to enter this plan. At the end of the term (6/30/2015) each club retains 80% or higher rate of members from the beginning of the term will receive an award of NTD2000. (The distribution ratio is 80%/20%, NTD1600 to winning club and NTD400 administration fee to the division of the club.).
  (3) Incentive plan for “Distinguished Club Program”:
在“傑出分會計畫”方面, 獎勵辦法如下:

The first 10 clubs reaching DCP-5 will receive an award of NTD1000. (The distribution ratio is 80%/20%, NTD800 to winning club and NTD200 administration fee to the division of the club.

Clubs reach DCP-10 before 6/30/2015 will receive an award of NTD1000. (The distribution ratio is 80%/20%, NTD800 to winning club and NTD200 administrative fee to the division of the club.)

Remarks :

All the data to the above incentive plans are based on the information published on Toastmasters International website. The applications of the awards shall be submitted by Division Governor of the club within 30 days of the announcement of winning clubs from the District. Because of the transition of the terms in July, the last applications of the awards shall be submitted within 10 days of notification by division governor. Submission must be with club’s expense receipts.
前項獎勵依據以世界總會網站紀錄為準。各獎勵申請於總會公告受獎分會後,請各部總監於30天內提出申請; 七月份因與新任幹部交接在即,請於總會公告受獎分會後10天內由本屆部總監提出申請,請款時請附上各項分會費用收據。

Wishe you can win all the awards!

Teresa Chang 張海星, DTM
LGM 2014-2015, D67, Toastmasters International
推廣副總會長 2014-2015