


Johnny Uy-第三副總會長訪華

Dear Leaders:

District 67 has invited Johnny Uy, newly elected 3rd VP and in line to be the first President of Toastmasters International from Asia (Philipines) in 3 years to be our keynote speaker at the Fall Convention in Taichung (Nov. 8-9). He will arrive on Nov. 6th (Thursday). To welcome him and also to give fellow Toastmaster a chance to meet him, a meeting hosted by World Mosaic Toastmasters is being planned on 11/6 at the ACC. Johnny Uy will give a speech entitled "Going Beyond Our Club".

This message is mainly for those clubs in Taipei. In order to organize a proper welcome and give those members who will not be going to the Convention a chance to listen to his speech, we would like to invite all the clubs to invite your members.

Specifically, we are looking to plan a joint meeting with other clubs to meet the 40 minimum for using the venue at ACC. If your club meets on Thursday night, please consider the possibilities. Should your club be interested, please contact me or George Yen to discuss the details. We would really appreciate any support  and help your club can extend to us for this special program.


Helen Chen, (o) 2174-4281, (m) 0937-099-317 <helen_hc1@yahoo.com>

George Yen, (o) 2771-0164 x 10, (m) 0921-430-007 <george@sequoia.com.tw>

Thank you!
