




Dear Excom Leaders,


Attached is our District April calendar with a to do reminder list.  There are 3 items:

以下是四月份之備忘錄 主要有3點:

1.  Voting proxies for the Toronto International Convention has been mailed and presumably received by the club presidents.  Please remind them of their importance in our voting rights in TI and should be collected.  Dick Fu as the incoming DG will have the honor and privilege of voting them in Toronto.

到多倫多世界大會選舉世界總會長等之投票委託書應該已寄至各位會長手上,事關 67台灣總會發聲之權利 讓我們將這些委託書交予下任總會長傅憲成先生代表我們至多倫多投票‧(請各會長 4/23 春季大會時帶至中壢交予傅先生 上面寫有 proxy字眼的)

2.  Club dues are due at WHQ on Monday.  As of this week WHQ has not received payments from 18 clubs in Taiwan (20%).  Please check into the TI website to see which clubs in your area or division has not paid.  Of particular note is all 5 of the the ALE clubs and 6 Div F clubs need to be ascertained. 

向總會繳會期限下星期一截止。目前為止台灣地區尙有18個分會未繳納 (20%) 請各分區 / 分部查一查您的屬區/部哪些會未繳費的 (F分部尚有6個會未繳???)


3.  Second Area Governors' report are due by 4/30.  If you have done so through email to HQ please be sure to give me and Dick Fu a copy.  Todate, I have received by mail Areas B-2 &3 and F-1, F-2 & F-3.  

第二次區總監訪視表 4/30到期。 如果您是自行寄到世界總會的請記得要寄份副本給我. 目前我收到 B-2、B-3及 F1、F2、F3的報告。

Less than 3 months are left in our district year.  So far 4 new clubs have been chartered which just make up for the 4 that died.  If you have new clubs working, let us make it happen and contribute to our goal of reaching 100 clubs for District 67.

不到 3個月我們的任期就將結束, 目前為止只新創了 4個新會, 而這 4個新會剛好彌補今年度陣亡的 4個會。因此我們離我們的目標 100個分會還需多加努力, 因此如果您有創會的意願請加快腳步!!!

For educational achievements we are about 50% of our goal.  Area Governors, lets strive to reach the number your first AG report promised.  Speech Marathon is a great opportunity to catch up.

至於教育目標目前只達到 50%. 各區總監讓我們共同努力來達成您第一次訪視表所填的教育目標, 辦個會內的演講馬拉松可幫助您趕上進度.

Finally, check into  the TI website to see where we are and you are in DCP points.  Let us strive for distinguished club, area and divisions.

最後請上網查一查總會的進度和貴會的進度  讓我們都朝著優良分部/分區/分會的目標邁進

The time has come "To Make It Happen" echoing  our last Council Governor Harry Fong' theme before Taiwan became a District.   

最後我想藉著前總會長的一句話, 與大家共勉 : "達成願景" 使得當年台灣順利的成為 67地區. 讓我們也共同來達成願景吧!!!

Empower and Achieve

George Yen, DTM
District Governor
District 67, Taiwan