




Dear all,  

Great news, we are in the top 10 in the Toastmasters Internationa!!!  Actually, I counted NO 9.  

This leap is made possible recently by the 21 CTMs achieved in the past 2 weeks which allowed us to achieve 172 CTMs as of mid-June.  Thanks to all who made this possible.

Last night Premium contributed 3 ATMs with Claudia Yun, Tom Wu and Tom Ashby.  I also understand Steve Chiu finished his A-10 speech.  So if they are reported in the next few days (along with Vincent Chao who did his A-10 in May) we are very much in the DCP game.  In addition, Wen Chang TMC paper work has been submitted to HQ, and Nei Hu is in the process of being chartered. 
With these FOCUSED effort by all, there is a good chance that we will be in the top 6 which means PRESIDENT DISTINGUISHED DISTRICT!  However, other districts will be making their final push as well, so nothing is certain until June 30. 

The honor belongs to all in D-67 who helped make this possible.  Congratulations to toastmasters of D-67 in Taiwan!!!


Empower and Achieve


George Yen, DTM
District Governor
District 67, Taiwan