



Dear Toastmasters,

As my part of officer training. How to attract new members to you club? One of the tips that is to use all avenues of reaching prospects. Personal contact is the most effective means of promotion. But there are others you shouldn't neglect. These include: Outside speeches, advertising, press releases to gain free publicity. Here comes one successful example from Excellence TMC, attached please find as the report  by The China Post. Let's congratulate Linda Tseng on serving as a role model in District 67, and my special thanks are due to our honorary PR- Gordon Brooks and all members of Excellence TMC.


關於幹部訓練之一環,如何吸引優秀新成員?要訣之一,乃是遵循各種途徑發掘潛在會員,其中談到;透過個人接觸乃為最有效的方式。除此之外,還有很多好的方法是不容忽視,包括:戶外演說,有效推廣,媒體廣告....尤其藉由新聞發佈,亦可創造免費宣傳效果等等。藉此引用卓越英語演講會成功的案例,請查閱隨函已附-來自英文中國郵報新聞稿。在此祝賀曾玉玲會長扮演著良好的典範,也特別感謝總會榮譽公關 Gordon brooks 和所有卓越英語演講會成員。

Step out of Comfort Zone
Jack Tsai 蔡銘吉 , ATM-S, AL (0932
Lt.Governor Marketing ,Distrct 67 (2005-2006) 

中華民國國際演講會 推廣副總會長