


ICRT 專訪  董總會長


ICRT Interview with District Governor Steve Tung by D.J. Rick
D.J. Rick
RM: Steve Tung is the District 67 Governor for Toastmasters International that comprises 104 Toastmasters Club in Taiwan.  Good Morning! Steve.
董世瑜是第 67 區總會長,在台灣有 104 個演講會,早!
ST: Good Morning everyone.
RM: What is a Toastmasters Club.
ST: The Toastmasters Club is where everyone can learn the communication and leadership skills there. and, we have a mission that is always provide a mutual learning environment.  Most importantly! It is the positive way.
RM: People in Taiwan, they use to improve their English.  Do they join to have better career choices, and better travel choices? Right?
ST: Oh! Yah! Sure.
RM: How does Toastmasters club work? How does it operate?
ST: Actually, we have our regular meetings.  In every meeting, we have prepared Speech session; we have Evaluation session; we have Table Topic session; and we have Joke sessions.  Most importantly, we do practice in our meeting; every one practices their speaking skills by taking a variety of ROLES.  Roles like speaker or session master.
RM: How many Toastmasters are there in Taiwan?
ST: I think now we have more than three thousand members in Taiwan.
約有 3000 位會員。
RM: How many speaking skills are there?  There is a book that every one follows, right?  There are ten steps to master public speaking?
ST: Yes.  We have a manual called the Basic Communication and Leadership Program.  There are ten modules within the program.  At the beginning, we tell the speaker to do their Ice Breaker, then to tell them how to organize their speech.  Like how to say it using vocal varieties. Research their topics, get comfortable with visual aids.  Persuade with power. Inspire your audience. Every project has different kind of objectives.
RM:  I know that there are foreigners who are members in some of these club People who are native English speakers. (S.T. Yes)  And people whose language is a second language.
ST: Yes.  Mostly, we are not native English speakers here.  But, through practicing, we can improve a lot.
RM: Okay, so you have here three thousand members over 104 clubs.  And you are going to Washington D. C. later in the year?
所以,在台灣有 3000 位會友分佈在 104 個分會內。您將在近期前往美國首府華盛頓?
ST: Yes, we will join the annual meeting in Washington D. C. There will be an International speech contest; our District Winner is from Tai-chung Wheelers Club, his name is Mr. Frankie Wu.  We will go there, and, August 22 will be the speech contest.
是的,我們將在 8 月 22 日啟程參加在華盛頓舉行的演講比賽年會,我們 67 區的冠軍 - 台中飛輪英語演講會的
Frankie Wu,將代表台灣參賽。
RM: Okay, how to actively participate.  Some one wants to go to a Toastmasters Club?  What level of English you have to have before you join?
ST: That is very interesting.  Anyone is welcome to a Toastmasters club, no matter how good or poor your English is.  One of our member from Tai-chung, he is the owner of a manufacturing plant; He only had primary school degree, i.e. no English. Every time when he travels, he has to bring his secretary along with him. The secretary always says: Ohh! No! She still has work to do.
RM: Probably his wife is saying that also, don't bring the secretary.
ST: This member joined a Toastmasters club.  Initially, he can only say a few single words, now he can communicate fluently with foreign customers.
RM: How often are those meetings?
ST: Most club meets twice a month.
RM: Does every body speak at a meeting?
ST: Sure, that is important for everyone to practice.  Even you are a guest, you are requested to briefly introduce yourself about what is your name and where you are from.

How long does the meeting last?

ST: Mostly, the meeting lasts about two hours.
RM: Okay.  One of the key, you say, to improving the English.  Actually, this is not an English club.  This is public speaking club to improve the communication skills.
ST: Actually, most of the people in North America, Canada, Australia and England are people who speak English as their native language.  They still come to Toastmasters club to lean how to communicate well.  That is why we have more than 11,000 clubs around the world.
RM: How many clubs are there in Taipei?
ST: We have almost 40 clubs in Taipei.
約有 40 個分會。
RM: So, like Starbucks, you sure have a lot of Toastmasters clubs around here. So, you had to join.  But, you are allowed two times to observe before joining?
就像 星巴克 咖啡廳一般遍佈台北市,所以,在加入前,演講會還提供兩次免費入場的機會是嗎?
ST: Yes, We encourage audiences from ICRT to come to our club and observe our meeting, free registration (admission) charges for the first two times.  Just come and visit any of our clubs through out Taiwan, and just say you are the audience of Rick Monday, it will be free.
是的,我們提供 ICRT 的聽友們兩次免費聚會地機會,只要說明是
ICRT 的聽眾就可以了
RM: Okay.  The web site is Toastmasters, one-word, Toastmasters.org.tw
ST: So, please visit our web site, you will find when and where our club meets.

So, you have 40 clubs in Taipei, How many are there in Tai-chung?

ST: I think, we have around fifteen in Tai-chung.
台中地區有 15 個分會。
RM: And, in Kao-shiung?
ST: Kao-shiung?  I think around ten.
高雄地區約有 10 個分會。

So, Wah! That's about one hundred and four clubs that you have to manage.
所以全台在您管轄之下有 104 個分會。

ST: Yes. So, actually, we have clubs located in Hwa-lien, Hsin-Chu and Yun-Lin.
RM: How long have you been a Toastmaster?
ST: I joined the Toastmasters in 1998.  And, we have five languages actually, not just only English Clubs.  We have clubs using Mandarin, Taiwanese, Japanese and even Hakka languages.
我在 1998 年加入演講會,在台灣我們有使用 英語、日語、國語、閩南語、客語這五種語言聚會的分會。

You are going to United States for English Conference.  Is there any Mandarin Conference?

ST: Yes, actually, we will join in Macao.  District 80 consists of Singapore, Hong Kong and Macao. In Macao, there will be Mandarin speech contests.
是的,我們將參加 80 區的比賽,80區包含了 新加坡、香港、澳門,今年 80 區有國語組的比賽。
RM: What's the age limit?  Do you have to be 18 before you become a Toastmaster?
ST:  Yes, we need people to be 18 years old before Toastmasters International will admit them as member.  But, we do not require any language proficiency before you join.
是的,年滿 18 歲才可以加入演講會,但是我們並不要求加入者必須精通任何語言。
RM: All right.  Toastmasters, with an “s”. www.toastmasters.org.tw.  There is not eating of toast at all.
注意,Toastmasters 要加上
s,演講會的網站是 www.toastmasters.org.tw
ST: Actually, there was toast in the beginning. They toast for the promotion or farewell or special events.  So, they toast at the masters, therefore, toastmasters.
Toast 原來是一種慶賀的場合,為了某些特別事件如高昇 等事件舉杯慶祝而這種場合的主持人就是 Toastmaster。
RM: The meeting is two hour, at what time the meeting begin?
ST: Most of the clubs meet from 7 to 9 pm.
絕大部份的分會都是晚上 7 點 到 9 點聚會。
RM: And, after that, people will get together to have a meal informally?
ST: After the meeting, people may go to what we call the second round, get together to a coffee shop, to have meal, etc.
RM: The name of the representative from Taiwan to speak at Washington D. C.  What is his name?  Frankie, what?
ST: Frankie Wu.
RM: And his topic will be what?
ST: Actually, Frankie has to choose the topic.  Since there will be international people there.  Frankie's topic will choose a theme that will contain some entertaining aspect in it.

Okay, so, go to www.toastmaster.org.tw you will find a listing of the clubs.

ST: Yes.
RM: And you can attend that club, and say that, I heard on ICRT, so, they will welcome you for a free meeting?
ICRT 上知道訊息的,演講會將免費招待您?
ST: Yes.  Sure.

Then, we will have a representative from Toastmasters next Monday, right?

ST: Yes, I like to add that there will be more than 95 countries represented.  And we will have fifteen people to join from Taiwan.
是的,屆時將有超過 95 個國家的代表與會,台灣團將有 15 位會友與會。
RM: Okay, thank you so much.  This is the District Governor.  And, Taiwan is one district, 104 clubs, over three thousand members.  Steve Tung of Toastmasters International.  Thanks for your time.
總會長,非常感謝您!台灣區有 104 個分會,超過 3000位的會員,感謝董總會長的接受訪問。
ST: Okay, thank you.
RM: Bye!



Steve Tung, DTM
(Distinguished Toastmasters, the highest recognition in Toastmasters, he is the 9th DTM in Taiwan from 1958 the 1st club Taipei Toastmasters Club chartered) 

  Graduated from the National Taiwan University and had his further MBA study at the Freeman school, Tulane University.
Job:   He is now working for an Auto electronic company as the sales manager. 
Family:   He is married, his wife is an elementary school teacher, with two lovely daughters 10 and 17. 
Toastmasters Careers:
    1. 1998 Oct.   Joined Legacy Toastmasters club
    2. 2000-2001, Legacy Club President   He was elected "Toastmaster of the year"
    3. 2001-2002, Area 7 Governor
    4. 2003-2004, Div. C Governor     He was elected "Division Governor of the year"
    5. 2004-2005, District Lieutenant Governor Marketing
    6. 2005-2006, District Lietenant Governor Education and Training
    7. 2006-2007, District Governor, District 67 (Taiwan)

The Annual District Theme is "Commitment to Success"
He calls himself as the CrazyToastmasters, he sponsored 6 new clubs,
includes the only Eastern Hualien Club, Fu-Jen University Club, ChenChi
University Club, two Hakka Clubs and successfully rescued two risky clubs.