




George Yen- two minutes speech for ID election  2006/8/25

Mr. President, fellow toastmasters,

Imagine, if you will, a world where service, integrity and respect are universal values. Imagine, a world where the benefits of toastmasters are available to all, regardless of social economic circumstance and language of birth. 

I believe that was the promise and vision of our founder Dr. Ralph Smedly when he said that toastmasters can be a powerful force for the improvement of world conditions. That was the vision that has captured my heart and mind for 17 years and now sparks my desire to play a part toward that future. 

Fellow toastmasters, we live in an age where communication, leadership skills as well as international language of English are in greater demand than ever before. It is my commitment to use my background, experience and skills to help our organization to live into this unprecedented opportunity and serve our members.  

Finally, please imagine, …..no, don’t imagine! Just make it happen by voting for the next international director for District not Assigned Regions, DTM George Yen!

Showcase opening 

Mr./Mm director, fellow toastmasters 

It is a wonderful feeling for this George to be back in the town of Georges. Having had hundreds of phone conversations with you and your answering machines, and now meeting you in person, it’s like a happy home-coming.