





Dear District Officers,
This coming Sunday morning's Excom meeting (Sept. 17) will have all Div./Area Governors, Auditor, Treasurer, PRO, Translation Committee Chair, Speakers Bureau Chair, fall Convention Chair, spring Convention Chair, LGM, LGET, DG and budgeting reports.
All of the officers, please e-mail your written reports by Friday to District Secretary Paul Lee and Deputy Secretary Lily Yu and confirm with them of your availability in attending this meeting.
請各位分部 / 區總監及總會幹部將您的書面報告在週五前e-mail 給秘書長Paul Lee 和副秘書長Lily Yu ,並務必回覆他/她們您可否出席。
In order not to bother too much of your transportation time, All the outside of Taipei officers will be reimbursed your transportation fees;
Kaohsiung, Tainan - Air ticket
高雄及台南 - 補助機票
Taichung, Changhua, Nantou, Taoyuan - Express train ticket or milage
台中、彰化、南投、桃園、基隆 - 補助莒光號或自強號車票或里程補助(自行開車者每公里補貼 3 元)
I am urging all Area/Div. Governors and other district officers can focus your strategy report on the annaul goal "1-5-1-10"
1 new club for each Area
5 CC for each Club
1 AC for each Club
10 new members for each Club
BTW: Please promote this campaign in all of your governing Areas and clubs,
         也請各分部督導各分區及各分會全力推動這次的獎勵競賽活動 謝謝!
<< D67 will Kick-Off a New Club Charter and DCP Campaign >>
<< D67 將從九月四日開始展開創會及傑出分會計劃獎勵競賽活動>>
Campaign Period : Sept.04 - Nov.10, 2006
活動競賽期間: 九月四日到十一月十日以世界總會網站之紀錄為準 (將在今年高雄舉行的秋季大會頒獎)
1. New Club Awards for Area Governors - HPL Program Manual and a large Toastmasters Pin. 
   創立新會獎: 將頒獎給該新分會之分區總監 - 高效能領導手冊及一枚國際演講會胸章及感謝狀
2. New Club Awards for Sponsors and Mentors - A large Toastmasters Pin.
   創立新會獎: 將頒獎給該新分會之發起人和指導員 - 每位一枚國際演講會胸章及感謝狀
3. Leadership Excellence Awards for Div. Governors - Successul Club Series or Better Speaker Series and a large Toastmasters Pin.     領導卓越獎: 將頒獎給創立兩個以上分會的分部總監 一套 成功會務系列 或 精進演講系列及一枚國際演講會胸章及感謝狀
4. DCP Awards for Clubs: 2CC, 1AC, 5 New members - C&L manual or Competent Leadership manual.
   分會DCP獎: 將頒獎給各分會: 每兩位中級演講員, 每一位高級演講員, 每五位新會員, 將獲頒 溝通手冊 或 領導手冊.
Toastmasters- Simply Amazing!
國際演講會 - 真棒!
Commitment to Success
信守承諾, 堅持成功.
Steve Tung, DTM
董世瑜  敬上
District Governor, D67
Toastmasters Internaional
Cell: 0937-047-543





日期: 09:00-12:30 September 17 (Sunday), 2006
地點: NTUAC 台大校友會館 台北市濟南路 一 段 2-1 號 3A
時間 節目 人員
08:58 2nd ExCom Meeting 2006-2007 Announcement
宣佈 第二次 執委會 將開始

Secretary, Paul Lee, ATM 李保羅

09:00 Call 2nd ExCom 2006-2007 Meeting to order 召開 第二次 執委會 DG. Steve Tung, DTM 董世瑜
  Welcome Remarks 致歡迎詞  
  Reading of the District Mission 宣讀總會使命  
  Roll call and certification of Quorum 確認開會法定人數 Secretary, Paul Lee, ATM/B 李保羅
  Adoption of Agenda 確認本次會議議程 Secretary, Paul Lee, ATM/B 李保羅
  Reading, Correction and Confirmation Approval of the previous meeting minutes
宣讀 修正 並確認上次會議紀錄
Secretary, Paul Lee, ATM/B 李保羅
09:10 Reports of Officers 執委報告 DG. Steve Tung, DTM 董世瑜
  1. Audit report 財務稽核報告, 2005-2006 Treasurer, Susan Hsieh, CTM 謝素真
  2. LGET report. 教育副總會長報告 LGET, Jack Tsai, DTM 蔡銘吉
  3. LGM report. 推廣副總會長報告 LGM Marian Hsiao, ATM/S 蕭敏環
  4. District Success Plan Matrix 總會成功計畫矩陣圖 DG. Steve Tung, DTM 董世瑜
  5. Year budget plan. 年度預算編列 Treasurer, Susan Hsieh, CTM 謝素真
10:00 New business  
  1. Fall Convention preparing report. 秋季大會籌備報告 Div D G. Rose Lee, ATM/B 李紀蓮
  2. Spring Convention preparing report. 春季大會籌備報告 Div A G. Gloria Chou, ATM/B 周國芳
  3. PR Officer's report  公關執行長報告 PR Officer, Webster Chiang, CTM 江偉平
10:15 Intermission  中場休息  
11:55 Area Governors and Division Governors report 部區總監報告 DG. Steve Tung, DTM 董世瑜
  Each Governor report 2-3 minutes  
12:10 Function committees report DG. Steve Tung, DTM 董世瑜
  Translation Committee  翻譯委員會 Chair, Howard Chang, DTM 張 華
  Speakers Bureau   菁英講師團 Chair, Vera Chang, CTM 張素貞
   Others  其他  
12:18 Motion from the floor 臨時動議 DG. Steve Tung, DTM 董世瑜
  Announcements 宣佈事項  
  Time and Place of Next Meeting 下次會議時間地點確認  
12:25 Meeting Minutes Briefing and confirmed 會議記錄簡述及確認 Secretary, Paul Lee, ATM/B 李保羅
12:30 Adjournment 休會 DG. Steve Tung, DTM 董世瑜