


Dear D67 leaders and good friends,
I received the congratulation call from TI president Johnny Uy yesterday
That D67 continuously the 7th year got the Distinguished District. and D67 was ranked No. 20 among 80 dirtricts, 2006-2007.
恭喜台灣地區總會連續第七年獲得傑出地區總會榮銜, 2006-2007 在世界八十個地區總會的表現評比中排名第二十名

Thanks and heart-felt appreciations for all of your supports and your Commitment to Success.
謹致上最誠摯的感謝大家的幫忙且達成總會使命 "信守承諾 堅持成功" ! Orz...
Master Yourself, Help others!
Steve Tung, DTM
董世瑜  敬上
Toastmasters International
  ---- Payments ---- ---- Clubs ---- --- CCs ---  --- ACs ---  -Crdt- Dist. Dist.     Total
District YTD Goal Pts. YTD Goal Pts. YTD Goal Pts. YTD Goal Pts. D T Clubs Pts. Areas Pts. Ldr Pts Points
34 6,013 5145 29.31 190 151 82 306 176 10.13 147 50 14.57 Y Y 68 4 27 8 133 9 157.01
79 10,315 8659 32.69 195 158 78 369 297 6.69 134 84 7.89 Y Y 102 8 31 10 182 10 153.27
47 16,163 14509 21.1 359 331 60 711 497 8 340 142 11.95 Y Y 168 5 54 10 362 10 126.05
51 12,820 12270 10.72 292 260 68 524 421 6.71 244 120 10.14 Y Y 155 7 52 10 288 10 122.58
81 3,637 3180 25.56 72 57 34 130 109 6.34 54 31 8.66 Y Y 33 6 11 10 66 10 100.55
14 10,823 10096 14.8 252 233 42 478 346 7.66 231 98 11.67 Y Y 108 4 39 10 223 10 100.13
68 1,516 1136 54.18 43 48 0 77 38 11.82 45 11 20.2 Y Y 17 2 5 4 33 5 97.2
82 5,302 4472 31.84 75 57 40 174 153 5.94 39 43 0 Y Y 27 4 6 0 58 10 91.78
60 16,504 15686 11.82 322 309 30 690 538 6.97 345 153 11.22 Y Y 190 7 56 10 386 10 87.01
59 6,376 5947 14.82 124 113 26 256 204 6.78 89 58 7.63 Y Y 74 8 27 10 127 10 83.23
61 7,440 7191 9.19 171 164 18 379 246 8.75 168 70 11.91 Y Y 107 8 30 10 205 10 75.86
71 10,519 9864 13.96 180 174 16 392 338 6.11 154 96 7.96 Y Y 132 10 34 10 195 10 74.03
80 11,844 11621 6.88 220 209 26 426 398 5.48 164 113 7.2 Y Y 112 6 35 10 224 10 71.55
2 6,543 6125 14.24 154 147 18 301 210 8.02 132 60 10.99 Y Y 60 3 23 9 124 8 71.25
45 4,169 3955 12.12 100 94 16 181 135 7.33 84 38 10.83 Y Y 43 4 14 9 107 10 69.28
46 12,644 11417 20.12 251 244 18 452 391 6.08 145 111 6.48 Y Y 113 4 33 8 172 5 67.67
77 3,170 2944 15.51 89 88 6 146 101 8.11 71 28 12.3 Y Y 46 5 15 10 112 10 66.93
72 9,295 9148 6.41 226 223 10 542 313 10.09 258 89 14.38 Y Y 113 5 39 10 225 10 65.88
13 2,236 2157 9.49 62 57 14 94 74 6.89 45 21 10.64 Y Y 30 5 11 10 49 8 64.02
67 5,578 5401 8.92 109 105 12 227 185 6.57 88 52 8.31 Y Y 70 8 23 10 130 10 63.8