



August 2 , 2007 as  Toastmasters Day
82- 台灣國際演講日

January 5- 12 , 2008  as Toastmasters Week
15 日至 112-台灣國際演講週


For most members its' because someone invited them to a meeting ro maybe their boss told them to join.What about you? Have you done your part? Think of the people you know who should join Toastmasters.Make a list , speak with each one, invite them to your club meeting. No need to be shy.

Thinak of what Toastmasters has done for you. The same can be said for many others, now and in the future. Give them the opportunity!  

想想什麼因緣際會,使我们成為國際演講協會的一份子; 而我們是否盡了自己所能, 令更多的人受惠呢? 利用台灣國際演講日 把自己成功的故事,推銷給更多的好朋友知道

You encourage five people to join, they each encourage five people to join, who each encourage five people to join. You can see where this is going. Over the spcae of a few years, your invitation can positively affect scores, even hundreds of people. Aside from feeling good about your contribution you can earn from it.

Master Yourself, Help Others!   

盡其所能讓周遭朋友知道, 什麼是國際演講協會; 一傳十, 十傳百,更多的人會因此而受惠,我们不但成就自我,亦造就他人.

Master Yourself, Help others!
Jack Tsai
蔡銘吉 , DTM    Cell phne: 0932-168-169
www.toastmasters.org.tw     Skype: jack.tsai.dtm
District Governor ,Distrct 67 (2007-08)

中華民國國際演講協會 總會長 2007-08
