



正如總會長Jack Tsai所承諾,凡在 96 12月底前創立的新會,將給予等値新台幣四千元的補助,這個新會將會獲得這種獎勵。請提供收據及銀行帳號但不含食物,以便代為申請。

Dear Leaders & Toastmasters

I'm very glad to announce that we have successfully chartered a new club--
Distinguished Bilingual TC-- in Taichunbg city. I'm very much grateful to the following Toastmasters for their contribution and dedication to the chartering of this new club.
Just as DG Jack's promise, this new Club will be rewarded with a valued of NT 4000.00 for their contribution to District-67 and Toastmasters International.

After I receive the receipts and Club's bank number from new Club president, I'll submit the reimbursement form to District Governor and treasurer. District Treasurer will remit it into Club's bank number after permitted by DG. No food would be involved in the receipt.
Best Regards
James Lin, DTM / LGM
Distinguished Bilingual TC (傑仕雙語演講會): #1117237  Charter day:Dec.03, 2007
      Sponsors: Charles Chan,DTM (FYTC & TTC)
                      Tension Wu (NCBTC)      
      Mentors:  Vickie Chang (TTC) 
                      Simon Lin(NCBTC)                     
      Sponsoring Clubs:
      Charter President:
                       Camille Lai
       Division B, Area 1   
Division Area Club Charter_Date Status Name Location
B 1 1117237 12/03/2007 Active Distinguished Bilingual Taichung City