




1. The list of credential workers and the Ballots of Division from their charge.
  1.1 Division A: Gloria Chou      
  1.2 Division B: Lu Min Wei      
  1.3 Division C: Sue Chien      
  1.4 Division D: David Tsui      
  1.5 Division E: Justin Wu      
  1.6 Division F: 鄭滿足      
  1.7 Division G: Ron Chen      
  1.8 Division H: Kendrick Huang      
  1.9 ExCom member: Susan Hsu      
  1.10 Chair: Dick Fu      
    Co-Chair: Bright Huang      
2. Credential desk place, open and close time
  2.1 Venue地點: Main Hall主場  
  2.2 Open開放時間: 08:45am on April 27, 427(星期日)上午845
  2.3 Close截止時間: The exact close time will base on when the election session begins. When Jack announce the election session will start, then the credential chair officially announces time is up to close registration and stop to offer ballot.
3. The voters which include
  3.1 Club President and VP Education from each club in good standing.
  3.2 ExCom members, include Area Governors, Division Governors, and District officers.
地區總會執委會委員, 包括各區總監、部總監、總會幹部。
4. 領票憑證
  4.1 If the member is club president or VPE in person, no need to show the credential/proxy certificate to get the ballots. Other proxy holder has to show the credential/proxy certificate to get the ballots.
  4.2 ExCom members to sign your name on the list and then to have a ballot.
執委會委員在簽到簿簽名, 即可領取選票。
  4.3 The credential/proxy certificates with signature from District Secretary in original are valid.
  4.4 In case club lost the credential/proxy, or couldn’t find it out with other reason, please contact District Secretary to sign up a new one.
如果分會遺失領票憑證, 或因故無法找到者, 請協調秘書長確認後補發。
  4.5 Some clubs did not pay the semi-annual fee to HQ which are in not good standing status. Their credential/proxy certificates are not valid, and will be cancelled.
有些分會未向世界總會繳交半年會費, 屬於不合格狀態, 他們的領票憑證將被註銷。
5. Club President, or VP Education may designate, in writing, any active member of his/her club to act as proxy.
各分會會長或教育副會長, 得指派同分會的有效會員, 為委託代理人。
6. Any active member who carries the proxies is entitled two votes.
任何有效會員所持有的選票, 最多為2票。
ExCom member is entitled three votes.
執委會委員所持有的選票, 最多為3票。
7. In the event one of those officers is not in the meeting, and has not designated any active member of his/her club as a proxy, the officer or proxy holder in attendance, he/she may also obtain the 2nd ballot.
分會的某一幹部並未出席會議, 也沒有委託任何有效會員為代理的事件發生時, 另一位出席者, 或是委託書持有者, 即取得第二張選票。
8. If there is any matters in dispute, Credential Chair will solve this matter and his decision is final.
假如有任何的爭執, 發票委員會主席將解決這一事件, 所做的決定為最終裁決。