



Dear Leaders, 

Time flies!  It's only 43 days away into the 2007-2008 term. How's everything going? Do you put your Toastmasters skills in play? Does your  club  pay its dues?  Do you move forward towards  your club's  Distinguished  Club Program (DCP) goals? Thank you for being shining examples of what this organization is all about:''Master Yourself, Help Others!''    
時間荏苒!本屆眨眼間已剩不到 43, 不知各分會的進度如何呢? 有否享受到做中學, 學中做的箇中樂趣呢?新進會員費是否已繳交世界總會? 該傑出分會計劃是否順利執行完成?再度謝謝大家多日來的努力, 因為有您良好的典範,身先士卒的服務精神,進而成就自我,造就他人!

It is time for Divisions & Areas in District 67 to review and to refocus their strategies to achieve their Distinguished Club goals. Every Club a Distinguished Club! Every Area a Distinguished Area! Every Division is a Distinguished Division! The special meeting will be held at Chungli, from 11a.m. to 3 p.m., on May 25.  We are going to refocus on CCs,ACs ,DCP & DDP programs. Whether you are a neophyte or veteran officer, these strategies & tips will help you get the job done. 
現在正值各分部,區檢驗貴屬分會傑出分會計劃,以確保每個分會為傑出分會, 每個分區為傑出分區,每個分部為傑出分部; 臺灣總會將於
525(星期日)早上11時至下午3,假中壢市(凡是美)召開總會特別會議,將針對目前CC, AC,DCP& DDP進行特別研討及策略指導,歡迎各級幹部踴躍報名參加

Enthusiasm is contagious! You are cordially Invited to join us.Your passion will infuse it with powerful energy.We are all playing a part in creating history for our District 67- a District of which everone will be proud. Our District Secretary -Candy Sun will send out the agenda soon! 
熱忱令人無限感動!而您的熱力與支持,確是大家共同前進的動力;請各分部,區總監列席,分會長,教育副會長及有興趣者均十分歡迎參加讓我們一起攜手締造著- 臺灣地區總會另個亮麗的成績.    總會祕書長-孫錦華將隨後附寄議程.

Master Yourself, Help Others!
Jack Tsai
蔡銘吉 , DTM (0932-168-169)

jack.formosa@hotmail.com  Skype: jack.tsai.dtm 
District Governor ,District 67 (2007-2008) 

中華民國國際演講協會 總會長


時間 活動 人員
10:30 報到交誼 Registration F.  E
11:00 Special Workshop 領導實務 “ What makes a leader” DG Jack Tsai, DTM 總會長 蔡銘吉
12:00 餐會.聯誼 Lunch Time

Alana Chen, CC F部總監 陳美如

進階研討CC, AC, DCP, DDP

LGM James Lin, DTM 推廣副總會長 林義雄
DG  Jack Tsai, DTM
總會長 蔡銘吉

15:00 卡拉OK 歡唱聯誼Social time