



Dear Leaders,

Time flies! The term of office as your District Governor ends at midnight Monday 30th June-2008.
時間飛逝! 本法定任期將於2008630日午夜落幕了.

Thank you for walking this part of the journey with me. It is a humbling experience for me to learn and that there is so much more to learn.
再度謝謝大家的陪伴" 一路走來始終如一"; 這也是我人生另種學習與再學習.

Sometimes I was not able to meet your expectations.Sometimes I make mistakes. I beg your pardon.

Many of you have told me of how Toastmasters have changed your life. I am very happy for you. The Toastmasters training program is indeed great.
在這些日子, 我分享了您許許多多蛻變的故事,我歡娛著無限美好時光!在這兒, 我真的受益良多! 

Some of you are too generous with your praises for my contribution. And I remind myself of what Og Mandino said: -也謝謝您不時的鼓勵- 深感銘心, 亦表吉意!也讓我時刻想起 Og Mandino 的話語:

"Whatever aid I give thee will be a grain of sand " Compared to the mountains you must move for yourself. "
與您本身散發著無限的潛力, 而我個人的棉薄之力卻形同滄海一粟 .感謝您!

And we do have mountains to move today. We have just taken the turn into the last final lap. The 30-June-2008 finishing line is within sight. But the race is not over. The race is not won until we breast the tape. The race is won in the sprint to the finishing line

讓我們最後一起衝向終點線吧.這未來的 5 , 也就最重要的關鍵期, 絲毫不能輕易放棄! 這是閃亮的時刻, 也是我們D67 再度展露頭角的機會. 

" To Sprint to the Finishing Line"讓我們全力奔馳終點線 !

Our District wants to finish the race to be President Distinguished District* (The Top 6 Districts in the world in term of total points achieved) Together we can make a difference!Join me in the sprint to the finishing line.

再度謝謝大家的努力!我們雖已創造了無限的可能,也請逕行把握最後一搏的機會, 讓我們再度榮登世界舞台, 再度達成  President Distinguished District  世界總會長傑出地區總會的最高榮譽 ( 世界排行前 6名內).

Let us shape our future together... Master Yourself Help Others!

讓我們一起內雕於己, 形塑於外! 成就自我, 造就他人!

Master Yourself, Help Others!
Jack Tsai
蔡銘吉 , DTM (0932-168-169)

jack.formosa@hotmail.com  Skype: jack.tsai.dtm 
District Governor ,District 67 (2007-2008) 

中華民國國際演講協會 總會長
