B、I 部服務團隊會議





B、I 部服務團隊會議


Dear leaders and members,

In order to help our District require minimum Distinguished District membership, some clubs reported to me that they had already recruited 6~10 dual members. I'm quite happy and am grateful to them for their hard work.
Because of your efforts, our District is now only 285 behind the minimum membership requirement for Distinguished District Award.

感謝全國分會/總會幹部們全力幫忙. 4月至今,有些分會已經召募 6~10個新會員(含雙重會員),將得到總會一至二千元的獎勵及本人對雙重會員的補助金額。台灣總會會員數到目前為止只缺 285人,我們已離目標愈來愈近,大家一起再繼續加油!

I have met the leaders of Division A, E and F, and got their promise to recruit even more members. I have confidence that together we can create magic. With your commitment and your hard work, I'm sure that, before the end of June, we should have reached our goals.
月以來,本人與A部、E部、F部的幹部會議陸續圓滿完成。大家對未來 45天都能掌握,且能達成總會所訂的新會員及CC的配額目標,令我感動萬分。F部在長期規劃下近日將有二個新分會成立,對總會會員數的增加功不可沒。而昨天A部會長、區、部總監全部總動員,百分百的出席率,讓我深深了解演講會是個超溫暖的地方。大家集思廣義,昨天會中達成 40~45個新會員(包括雙重會員)的成長共識,又有遠從台中來的副總會長林義雄的加持,又是感動的一天。有推廣及教育副總會長及這麼多熱心且負責的幹部們的支持,相信在6月底前,台灣總會一定會達成各項目標。

The followings are the dates for two Lt. Governors and me to meet the leaders from B& I and C&H. If you missed the Division A, E, and F leaders' meetings, you can choose to join the meetings mentioned in the following.
以下是Division B & I; C & H會長/副會長//部總監會議時間,請大家請務必出席。來不及參加A部、E部、F部的會長們非常歡迎就近參加會議。而D部及G部幹部會議正在籌劃中。

1. Division B & I: 5/24
(星期日) 中午12點 台中縣醫師公會 (豐原市成功路 620 4 F)

Division C & H: 5/24 (星期日) 下午4點。台北市德惠街 3 3 號,大同大學宿舍會議中心。

Have a nice day every day!


Marian Hsiao
District Governor, D67