






Dear Leaders & Members,

The DNAR top-3 District Officers Training and the 78th International Convention of Toastmasters International is over. Participation in this big event has enhanced our skills in both of leadership and communication. Personally I believe that we are well prepared and have more confidence to lead District to another bright year after the intensive training.
非北美洲之地區總會的總會長及副總會長(三長)訓練課程與國際演講會七十八屆 2009 世界年會已經結束了。參加這個盛會,着實能提昇溝通及領導的技巧。個人認為,經過更深入的訓練後,我們都具備信心及能力,以領導我們的地區總會進入另一個光輝的一年。 

I believe these new experiences may be helpful to members in understanding more about TI, so allow me to have a brief report:

D-67 Delegation: Total 19—15 Toastmasters members and 4 non-Toastmasters.
2. We have many opportunities to talk with different WHQ key Officers about the issues of translation, missing magazine, financial question and the name of District gathering. The results are:
  a, Handbooks, advanced communication manuals, and other training materials will be opened for us to translate. Moreover we asked WHQ to translate for us (WHQ to invite Translation Company) to shorten the translation time needed. The answer from WHQ is they would need to amend the translation policy first before they can do so.
  b. We can translate as many articles of the Toastmasters magazine as we like and put on the website after we official agreement paper provided by WHQ is signed.
  c. The problem of our missing Toastmasters magazine: They will resend the missing magazine to individual club first. Suzanne Frey, the key person who is in charge of Toastmasters magazine promised to investigate the reason which causes the problem.
雜誌遺失問題:主管雜誌發行的 Miss Frey,答應將依我們呈報的遺失月份之數目補寄到各分會。她也答應將調查其原因以便恢復正常。
  d. Reimbursement (Financial) issues:
    1). For District and Club Officer training and educational training meeting:
We can use receipts of refreshment or snack for reimbursement to training program. But receipt of meal is not applicable.
    2). For the District travel reimbursement for top-3 attend the training and Int. Convention:
For other Districts reimbursed their top-3 Officers to attend the top-3 training and International Convention each year for lodging and registration fees, so we discussed with International Treasurer Jane Rusinko and got her answer as: According to the rule (page43, District Leadership Handbook, 2009) if the reimbursement not provided by Toastmasters International, a district may reimburse registration, lodging and travel expenses for the top-3 of District and IPDG.( Having budgeting and passed by council meeting in advance)
因其他地區總會有補助其三長參加年會的旅館及註冊費用,因而跟總部的財務長 Jane Rusinko 討論此問題,她的答覆是:依國際總會的政策(地區總會領導手册第 43 2009 年版),如世界總會不提供時,地區總會可以補助取三長及剛卸任總會長之交通,住宿及註册費用(事先有編列預算及委員會大會通過)

Present situation: The expense for everyone: 1. TI reimburse the air-ticket. 2. Hotel fee—at least 9 nights needs US $ 1750.00, District reimburse US $ 700.00. 3. For registration—at least US$ 550-600. No reimbursement from District.
目前,參加者的花費如下:機票由國際總會補助,住宿至少九個晚上需美金1750元,地區總會補助美金700元。註册費美金 550 600 元,未補助。

Our suggestion: For the increasing travel and registration fee, and for encourage more excellent members to attend the election of top-3 offices, we suggest increasing the reimbursement partially if budget if acceptable and passed by council meeting.
  e. Name of our District gathering: The document of Toastmasters International shows only names for International Convention, Regional Conference and District Conference. After we consulted with three WHQ Officers, they suggested us to use the name of District Conference in the future.
地區總會英文名稱問題:國際演講會的所有英文資料中皆使用“International Convention, Regional Conference and District Conference”. 因此在跟三位世界總會幹部討論後,他/她們都建議我們修正。
  g. The national flag and name:
    1). Basically, TI is a non-profit international organization, not a political group. The way to join Toastmasters is through District, so, the T I recognize the District and the individual country where Toastmasters Clubs exist. In the Opening Ceremony, the Flag Parade is an important program. When there is only one single country in a District, e.g. Taiwan, (D-67), Japan (D-76), and then the District will use the national flag. When there is more than one country in a District, all national flags will be shown during the parade. There were a total of 106 flags shown in the parade this year, included Taiwan’s national flag. TI is not a political organization that is why we use our national flag to represent D67 for many years. Of course, D-85 (China) uses their flag too.
    2). As for the mistake- adding “Province of China” to members’ mailing address- shown on the mailing material from WHQ is an operational mistake. It doesn’t mean that TI has changed our country name. TI’s Chief Executive Director Dan Rex promised me to correct the operating mistake both orally and in his email to me already.
至於從世界總部寄出的郵件地址上有誤,如多加 Province of China 時,可能只是作業的錯誤而已,並非我們的國家被改名了。總部的最高行政主管 Mr. Dan Rex 在口頭及 email 中答應改善這個作業錯誤。
3. Achievement of our District:
  a. We are placed as 10th in the District Distinguished Program for the term of 2008-2009 and was recognized publically during Golden Gavel Luncheon as well as in the Hall of Fame. IPDG Marian Hsiao represented our D-67 to accept this honor.
  b. Past Council Governor Howard Chang, DTM accepted Presidential Citation Award during Hall of Fame for his contribution in translation for Non-English speaking Clubs.
4. Proposal A was approved by over 2/3 of votes. Basically Proposal A is a great step for globalization of  TI in the future. Proposal A will be in effect from July 2010. Some key points include:
議案 A 已經獲得超過 2/3 票數而通過。議案 A 是國際演講未來要全球化的重要指針。此議題將在 2010 年七月起實施。它的重點包括下列幾點:
  a. Structural change:
Structural will be changed from current 8 Regions and 1 DNAR (District Not Assigned to Region) change into 14 Regions. DNAR will be split into 4 Regions. Among the four, Region 13 will include Taiwan, Japan and China (Include HK and Macao).The name DNAR will no longer exist.
  b. There will not be Regional Conference any more. However there will be mid-year training in the future. (No mid-year training currently for DNAR)
  c. Each Region will have 1 International Director and 1 Advisor. Each term is for 2 years.
  d. Director and Advisor will be nominated by International Leadership Committee (ILC)
  e. District top-3 training:
    a). Present: there are 2 training opportunities--- Regional Conference and Mid-year training. However, top 3 officers from DNAR are only trained during International Convention with no Mid-year training.
    b). Future:
      1). E-learning training--- DVD or vide films on TI’s website.
網路學習訓練--- DVD或影帶教學。
      2). 2 training opportunities--- Training during International Convention (Face to face and divided to small groups) and mid-year training in each Region.
二次訓練機會--- 在國際大會時分組面對面訓練及年中訓練會議。

As a result, the training opportunity will be equal to all Districts. Districts in DNAR will have a mid-year training in the future after regionalized.

WHQ will reimburse the travel expense for top-3 in these 2 trainings.
f. Speech Contest:
a). Semi-final speech contest--- 9 semi-final speech contests will be held on Thursday at the International Convention. All District winners will be divided randomly into 9 groups and the contestants will use their District’s winning speech to compete. Semi-finalists will be reimbursed by WHQ for their travel expense to International Convention
半決賽演講比賽--- 國際大會時的週四將有九個半決賽演講比賽,由全部的地區總會選手,以隨機方式編成九組。選手以他們的地區總會比賽之講稿參賽。世界總會將補助參加半決賽的選手旅行之費用。
b). International Speech Contest (Final)--- 9 semi-final contest winners should use new script to compete in the International Speech Contest on Saturday for the title of “World Champion of Public Speech”.
5. Education and training programs in the International Convention:

There were many programs during the Convention which were beneficial to attendees. Because of the tight officer training and meeting schedule for top-3., I had only one opportunity to attend those program. The one I attended was “FreeToastHost (FTH): Tips and Tricks” by Bo Bennett. Bo is the creator of this Club free website. There more than 60% of Toastmasters Clubs around the world (Over 8000 Clubs) using this software to create club websites to attract new members today. The most important information is that you-tube, twitter and many other tools are now linked in this FTH. Unlike most self created Club website which need a professional webmaster to maintain, FTH is an easy maintainable software which every member can do well. That is why I strongly suggest clubs to apply for a FTH for their clubs.
年會有許多教育訓練課程並使很多會員受惠。因為總會長副總會長須要參加很多會議,因此我只有一個機會選擇一個課程,即免費供分會使用的網站軟體---FreeToastHost (FTH)之意見及技巧。演講者就是軟體製作人Bo Bennett。目前有超過8000個分會使用該軟體制作很好的分會網站以吸引新會員。最重要的信息是FTH結合了You-tube, Twitter及其他科技,使它更具吸引力。不像其他分會自製的網站維修不易,FTH的分會網站,任何會員皆可很容易使用及維護。 因此我建議分會儘量申請使用。
6. Election:
IPDG Jack Tsai attened the election for International Director but filed. We appreciate and admire his spirit of “Courage to Conquer” to represent D67 to voice for us.
7. Next International Convention will be held on Aug 11-14 2010 at Palm Desert, California, USA.
Finally, I’ll pay my sincere appreciation to my team members- LGET Mike Yang and LGM Grace Shih for their support during the Training , Convention and Working Meeting with WHQ’s Officers. With their cooperation, we have successful meeting with WHQ Officers and solve many issues which we met in our District.
Best Regards!

Dig More, Reap More! 深耕必得
DG    James Lin, DTM        林義雄 總會長
LGET  Mike Yang, DTM   
楊冀光 教育訓練副總會長
LGM  Grace Shih, DTM     
施恵芳推廣 副總會長