





日期: 99 年 3月 07日(星期日)  13:00 - 16:30
地點: 台北市忠孝東路三段 1 號 (台北科技大學) 綜合科館,第三演講廳,地下一樓
<南港線忠孝新生捷運站 4 號出口由北科大正門入再直行至第二棟右側大樓地下室>
費用: 免費




時間 內容 人員
13:00 Registration/Reception TBA
13:20 Speaking Positions Drawing Contestants
13:30 Calling Meeting To Order TBA
13:31 Words of Welcome & Opening Justice Liao, ACB, CL
13:36 Contest Chair James Hwang, ACS, CL
13:38 Chief Judge Briefing VIP
  Timers TBA
Vote Counters TBA
  One minute of silence between consecutive contestants  
13:43 Contest Rule James Hwang, ACB, ALS
13:48 Prepared Speech Contest  
  Order Speech Title Contestant  

Janice Hsu

14:59 Intermission
Table Topic Contestants Order Drawing
15:19 Contest Chair James Hwang, ACS, CL
15:22 Chief Judge Briefing VIP
15:28 Contest Chair James Hwang, ACS, CL
  One minute of silence between consecutive contestants  
15:34 *All contestants leave the room  
  Preparation for the first contestant ( 5’ )  
  Table Topic Contest  
  Order Contestant    
    Harry Fong    
    Rebecca Lin    
16:03 Contestants’ feedback Justice Liao   ACB, CL
16:13 Appreciation certificates / Awards presenting Justice Liao   ACB, CL
16:18 Closing Remark Justice Liao   ACB, CL
16:30 Contest Adjourned