Soar to a New Height! 展翅飛揚 再創高峰!





Soar to a New Height! 展翅飛揚 再創高峰!

Dear Leaders & Fellow Members:

Today marks a new beginning of District 67. The first day of my official term as your District Governor! I want to thank you all first for your support & encouragement rendering to me over the years that make me strong have more confidence! I also want to thank our Immediate Past District Governor James Lin’s leadership in the past year! James is such a dedicated and devoted leader! He has dug more for our District along with the sound foundation laid by our past district leaders, I believe that we could reap more in the future!

In the coming year, our challenges are big; however, our District is lucky to have a very strong service team to serve our fellow members. I hope our district could be more internationalized by having more interactions with our neighboring districts, such as China & Japan, and have more interflows among our clubs, areas and divisions, solid education & training, high quality club meetings & contests, charter new clubs and reach out to our society!

The slogan for my term this year is “Soar to a New Height”!  I hope we Toastmasters can fly high like an eagle! We could flap the strong wings of passion and persistence along with the wind of support and trust from our fellow members beneath our wings enabling us to soar to a new height and achieve our goals! We will do our best!
我們今年的精神標語是:展翅飛揚 再創高峰!我期盼我們國際演講會的會友們都能像老鷹般展翅飛揚!我們鼓動著充滿熱情與毅力的堅強雙翼,加上頂著在翼下各位支持與信任的勁風,必能使我們達到更高的高峰,並達成我們的目標!我們服務的團隊將全力以赴!

Together, let’s make our District 67 a District that we are all proud of!

Soar to a New Height!
展翅飛揚 再創高峰!

Mike Yang DTM
District Governor
楊冀光 敬啟