






Dear Leaders:



We (Grace Shih LGET, Y.S. Liao LGM and myself) had a fruitful result in attending the District leader training & 79th Toastmasters Annual Convention held in Palm Desert, Ca. USA from Aug. 9th to 14th, 2010! The following are our report:

我們(包括施教育訓練副總會長惠芳,廖推廣副總會長義瀋與本人)一行參加於今年八月九日至十四日於美國加州Palm Desert市舉行的地區總會幹部及國際演講協會世界總會第七十九屆年會,獲致豐碩的成果,茲將結果報告如下:


First, our Past District Governor DTM George Yen got elected as the 2nd Vice President of Toastmasters International. This is really an incredible honor not only to George Yen but also to our District 67! George is lucky to have a very capable campaign manager, his beloved wife, DTM Jorie Wu who is also our Past District Governor! They have been working very hard in the past year making numerous phone calls and interviews. George’s remarkable campaign speeches impressed most of the delegates and after three rounds of vote, he glorious won the election! If everything goes well, George will be the International President of the Toastmasters International after three years! We are very proud of him and believe that George is indeed the “Glory of Taiwan”!



Second, Sammy Su attended the semi-final international speech contest in group 1 in the afternoon of 8/12! She was the first speaker in the contest and did it very outstandingly! Even though she did not get any award, many audience told us they were very impressed with Sammy’s performance! Sammy showed wonderful spirit and manner after the contest and determined to continue joining the contest in the future!


Third, after our discussion with Mr. Joe McCleskey, Manager, Education Development Dep., TMI, we concluded that District 67 has got the right to translate the following materials into traditional Chinese: Advanced Communication Manuals, Successful Club Series, Better Speaker Series, Leadership Excellence Series, High Performance Leadership, and some promotional Brochures. TMI has sent us a priority list of the above materials for our translation and we will discuss this with our Translation Committee so as to come up with a formal agreement on the translation of these educational materials!



Forth, after making a proposal of Chinese clubs interactions, we received very positive response from our neighboring districts that has Chinese clubs such as District 80 (Singapore), District 85 (China including Hong Kong & Macau) &

District 51(Malaysia)! We will have further discussion on how to conduct this meaningful interaction! For instance, they might invite our Chinese club members to attend their respective conference and be their trainer and contest judge!


We will continue following up the third and forth items and taking actions to benefit & promote our Chinese clubs !  



Soar to a New Height!
展翅飛揚 再創高峰

Mike Yang DTM
DG 2010-11


67區代表與 2010-11 世界總會長Ms. Pat Johnson合影

67區代表與 前世界總會長 Gary Schmidt 合影

與 Mr. Joe McCleskey, Manager of TMI Edu. Dev. Dep. 合影



教育副總會長 Grace Shih 開幕典禮中執國旗進場



蘇冬蘭會友與 67區代表團合影

與前總會長 Gary Schmidt 合影

與今年演講冠軍 Mr. David Henderson 伉儷合影