
  2013年6月 總會長的分享  

Joyful Journey June, 2013

Joy Tsai 總會長六月之分享


Well preparation is half way to success!


June, it’s a beautiful month to start our district businesses.


I. June 4th. Fluency’s president installation ceremony.

The event was as big as it used to be. 100 people joined the big event. There were lots of shows, dancing performances. I love my role in Teresa’s play. A Fairy who can solve any problems in the world. I wish I do have that kind of power in my life to help with Toastmasters. 



II. June 9th. District Business Preparatory meeting

I treated LGET Eric, LGM Caroline, District PR Jennifer, District Secretary Teresa, District Treasurer and all Division Governors at Hotel National. District yearly schedule and many important issues had been discussed. As well as knowing one another better to form a great team.



IIIEmbrace the High Tech for better communications and Leadership


On May 15th. Digital trainings by Speaker’s Bureau

  I had a meeting with Haishuo Lee and Tension Wu in Taichung for the new project of digital training provided by Speaker’s Bureau. We should embrace and take advantage of high tech to provide better trainings and services to our members. Also, by using Internet, we can be visualized more popularly and made D67 much more well known in Taiwan, as well as in the international Toastmasters community. It’s a great vision and ambition project formed by young and talented leader Haishou Lee. This is going to be a 3-year project. More experts and trainers will be involved in carrying out this wonderful idea. The first training material will be launched in July.
June 15. Lunch with computer experts in D67.
  I treated lunch with computer talents in Taipei to discuss digital training, e-group and other computer technical issues. This is the area I don’t know much. Learn a lot from all of them. Also I feel deeply appreciated for their continuously working so hard for our district. Special thanks to Robert Chou, Steve Chuang, Vincent Chu. They are unsung heros.

Yahoo E-group can’t be used any more. Division K Governor Peyton Kim is developing another powerful webpage platform. It’s very easy for each club to upload photos and videos. Also, very easy for clubs to make agendas and publicized themselves. It’s very easy to maintain too. We are having trial tests and will see how far we can go to improve the digital communication ways of D67.
以前的雅虎電子郵件平台已不能再使用了。K部總監Peyton Kim正在發展另一個功能強大的網路平台,它讓每一個分會都很容易上傳照片和影片,同時也很容易擬定議程並宣傳各個分會,也很容易維護。我們正在測試階段,並且將看它如何讓台灣總會的數位溝通進展到何種新的境地。




I asked Eric Liang and Tension Wu to follow up new officers’ list submission in the beginning of June. In the end of June, we had 142 clubs out of 145 clubs successfully submitted their new officers’ list in June. This is a new achievement in our district. These 142 clubs had already earned 0.5 point for their new club officers. Also they prepared a smooth way for their new officers to conduct their club businesses on line. Again, we have to do the right things at the right time. If we don’t plan well and carry out our plan well, we can’t get distinguished status.

We are uploading and upgrading D67 webpage in time. For example, the whole package of 2013 Spring Conference’s preparatory meetings, time tables and SOPs had been uploaded in the website. So, it will be much easier for the successors to follow. To keep the correct documentary is very important because it will make our work more efficiently and effectively.

IV. June 15th, 3-9:30 p.m. D67 & D76 Joint meeting

It was hosted by president Janifer Guo. Great meeting, lots of fun learning and interactions with Japanese delegates.


V. June 23rd. District training, council meetings & Installation.


98% of District Governors had been trained in the morning.



Four important meetings were held in the afternoon. Finished them very efficiently around 3:30 p.m. Much earlier than we expected.


District Installation was held from 5:30 – 9:30 p.m. A wonderful ceremony conducted by George Yen and Jorie Wu. In my inaugural speech, I expressed my vision and ambition about bringing our district back to distinguished status 3 years in a row. My main point is to provide our district healthy and steady growth. With the great team work and well designed 3-year strategic plan, we strongly believe we can make it.

VI. Deepest appreciations:


District Secretary Teresa Chang spend almost 2 months to collect all of district officers list and submitted the list before July 1st. Also made name card for every leader. I fully understand how much time, energy and effort she had spent on these important tasks.



District Web Master Robert Chou uploaded district team in time. He has been doing this for our district for many years. Words just can’t express my deepest appreciations.

Deeply appreciate for district officers and club officers who are willing to serve in this term. We had already formed a great team. With a great team work, we will make our district back to distinguished status for sure.

VII. Preview of the incoming events:


Conferences of 2013-14

Fall Conference will be held in Tainan on Nov 23-24,2013. Division D & K are preparing for it.
Spring Conference will be held in Taipei on April 12-13, 2013. Division C& H are preparing for it.

Written by Joy Tsai District Governor of 2013-14
撰寫:總會長蔡嬌燕 中文翻譯:李振延會員
(Chinese translation by Chris Lee, my son and a junior TM.)