
  2013年8月 總會長的分享  

Joyful Journey Aug, 2013

Joy Tsai 總會長八月之分享


Toastmasters International Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, US.


During Aug 19-24, trio and another 8 members were in the U.S for the District leaders’ training and International Convention. Our past District Governor George Yen took the office of International President in the convention. Past District Governor Grace Shih was running campaign for Region 13 International Director. Grace had done a great campaign, but, her opponent was too tough, so she didn’t make it this time. Anson Sat represented D67 to compete in the International Speech contest. He conducted the best speech he ever had. We are so proud of his great performance.   

八月十九日到二十四日期間,總會三人和其他八位會員們至美國參加教育訓練和世界國際會議。前總會長顏瑛宗先生已在此次國際會議會議中就職國際演講會世界總會長;前總會長施惠芳女士在美國競選國際理事,成績不錯,只可惜對手太強,沒能當選;台灣區國際演講冠軍Anson Sat代表台灣總會參加國際演講比賽,表現一流,讓我們甚感驕傲。

A Picture is more than one thousand words.


Rehearsals for Grace’s and Anson’s speech. George and Jorie were so kind to invite everyone to their presidential suite in Hilton.

Grace Anson的演講演練。GeorgeJorie很慷慨的邀請所有人到他們希爾頓飯店的總統套房一聚。


Opening ceremony. National Flag parade.  開幕式,各國國旗進場。


Jorie got a Presidential Citation award.

Jorie 得到了Toastmasters卓越成就獎。

International President John Lau presenting the Excellence in Leadership award to Joy Tsai. Thanks to the great team work in 2012-13.

世界總會長John Lau致贈傑出領導獎牌給Joy Tsai,感謝上一任大家在教育方面的傑出表現。



International Officer Candidates’ showroom 
After International Speech Final contest

Champion of 2013 International Speech contest



Presidential Night. George & Jorie had a very elegant entrance.


International President George Yen’s 4 home clubs.



Socialized with members from the world in the party:








Please join the 83rd annual International convention in Malaysia next year. You will have fun learning all the way and know more about Toastmasters.




Preview of the incoming events:


Sept/ 7th Sunday, we will have a celebration party for International President George Yen in American club, Taipei. Division A Edward and Dawn are working very hard on this one. This is a great opportunity for D67 to show ourselves to the public. You are most welcome to join us for this glorious event. Only 120 seats are available. We have the first come, first serve policy. So please register now!



By Joy Tsai DG of 2013-14

(Chinese translation by Chris Lee, my son and a junior TM.)