
  2014年3月 總會長的分享  

Joyful Journey March, 2014

Joy Tsai 總會長三月之分享

March 9th, the 2nd Northern Coach training basic level:

Review meeting



教練 Edward Chen:

教練透過對話及回饋,讓您看見您在困境中所處的"觀點",透過提問讓您看見不同觀點所衍生的機會, 使您在獲得自己覺得可行的"觀點", 在自信中展開新行動, 創造自己想要的結果!

Bonita Hsu:
trainers 的專業、心力與無私分享,謝謝許多伙伴在幕後默默付出。我如果可以看得更遠更高,那必是因為你們巨人的肩膀 !!!


March 11th, Taichung Advanced club “Female leadership Style” workshop to celebrate March 8th Women’s Day:


President of TATC: Diana Watson:

The main focus of the meeting were our three leadership presenters. One woman is finishing her TM district leadership journey, one who is in the process, and one who is aspiring to start. 

Starting in reverse, Teresa Chang shared how she is no different from anyone else. She didn't grow up rich, a genius, or wanting to be one of the top three Toastmasters leaders in Taiwan. She had a dream to simply get over her fear of speaking in front of others. Now a member of 8 clubs and counting she decided to listen to all the members encouraging her to be the 2014-2015 Lieutenant Governor of Marketing candidate. Her confidence has increased as she speaks to more clubs and explains why she is the best person for the job. I hope all of you can come to the Spring Conference and support Teresa!

Caroline came all the way from Taipei to visit T
ATC. Many people admire Caroline not only for her determination but for her love of learning. She shared three main points to lead a successful life in leadership: 1) Always try to get first place, even if you don't get it in the end, still go for it. 2) Never give up, even when it looks difficult and impossible. There is always a way to succeed with something you really want to do. And 3) Regardless of how successful you are, always find the time to serve. It will help you to maintain a balance with your life and keep an appreciation for others.

Joy Tsai discussed the different kinds of leadership and what kind of leader a person is and how to handle them. During her leadership journey at work and with Toastmasters, she shared that she evolved as a leader and become less authoritative and more of a situational leader. What was great about her speech was that she didn't target her speech to only to woman, but to everyone.

Joy Tsai”s more sharing on female leadership after the meeting:

I didn't have enough time to express thoroughly about the situational leadership during the workshop. So, here are some ideas to share with everyone.

What we want most is : A leaders, high competence,high commitment. Recruit these great leaders in your team, then, you will have an easy job.  

The second leaders we want is C leaders: Low competence, high commitment. They are junior leaders, like T3 students. They love to learn to grow. We just have to give them more specific instructions. They will become A leaders day by day. 

The 3rd choice, the B leaders. High competence, Low commitment. Make sure you are able to inspire them to be A leaders. Otherwise, you might suffer because they don't carry out your delegation as you expected. 

As for D leaders, Low competence, Low commitment. please leave them alone. Don't bother to ask them to be leaders. We don't like members to take officer's title and do nothing.   

I love Teresa’s presentation very much. Especially this one: "Don't think woman is inferior than man." I know our society has this kind of thinking. That was where Teresa’s sentence coming form. So Teresa encouraged us to think that man and woman are just different. Teresa is right to point out this is out-of-date concept our society has. 

In reality, I seldom take myself as a woman. I see myself as a person who wants to be better and better along the way. The older I am, the more beautiful I will be because I am learning something every day. I better myself every day. Gender has never been an issue in my work or my life. Man and woman are equally important. They should collaborate, not compete. 

I didn't have the chance to answer Teresa Kwan's good question about her ex-colleagues who are so afraid of joining TMs. Most of people have that kind of fear to step out of comfort zone. All of my college classmates who were English majored don't like to join TMs. They hate to speak in public. I think we have to respect their decisions. 

Harry Fong brought up a very intriguing point of view recently. He said
顏長壽 wants to hire those people who are naturally smiling and loving to serve people. This part is very hard to be trained. Most of the time, we just can't change people's personalities. What we want to recruit as new members in TMs are who love to have life-long self learning. They will join us and stay as long as possible. I couldn’t agree with Harry’s good point.

So, all great leaders, please open your eyes to search for those potential great qualified members. Then, for sure, our clubs and district will be stronger and more thriving because of your wisdom.

3. March 14th, Spring conference preparatory meeting

March 18th, Taichung Tech Toastmasters club delivered my A56 speech. Also served as GE.


看到台中科大的孩子們在Division I Governor Game和Area Governor Vickie及各位資深會員們的細心照顧下,各個表現得非常耀眼,最近吸收了許多實力很強的新會員,會議品質相當棒。更在會長Nico的帶領下,多次幫忙中山醫藥大學成立分會,Lester更進一步要舉行兩校的讀書會。老師真以你們為榮。所謂強將之下無弱兵,青出於藍更勝於藍。更多中部大學應向你們看齊,也盡快成立分會,因為這兩所大學基本上像是姊妹校。讓我們繼續努力,我們的孩子們就是我們的希望!


March 21st joined Legacy TC’s meeting. Served as General Evaluator. Legacy’s meeting quality is one of the best in the whole world.



Legacy’s lovely promotional materials:


This coming meeting should be full of joy, wit and laughter. 
District 67 Governor, JOY TSAI is going to visit Legacy! 

Ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together and welcome our Toastmasters Chief Lady, JOY TSAI!!!



March 23rd, Served as Chief Judge in Division F Chinese & Taiwanese speech contests:



 March 25th, joined Chung Gung TC, delivered my A57 speech. Also served as GE.


March 28th, Served as General Evaluator in the FJU/ Yang Ming U TC joint meeting. Served as GE

Preview of the incoming events:

April 12th and 13th Spring Conference in Taipei




Aug 20-23 International convention in Malaysia.

We had posted several traveling packages for our members to choose from. Please Google D67 official website.






Till March, we are doing pretty well. We are still with President Distinguished district status. Membership growth and Coach training will be our main focus for the next few months. Let’s work together to achieve our district distinguished goal successfully. Most importantly, enjoy our Toastmastering.



By Joy Tsai DG of 2013-14