
  2014年4月 總會長的分享  

Joyful Journey April, 2014

Joy Tsai 總會長四月之分享

1. Lantern meeting on April 7th. 2014. Rescued a weak club by moving it from Fong Yang to Taichung. The first English/ Taiwanese bilingual club in Taichung city. Members feel that it’s harder to speak Taiwanese well than English. We have to work even harder.

April 11th, 2014. Spring Conference keynote Speaker Debbie Wooten visited Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a speech.
四月十一日和春季大會主講員Debbie Wooten拜訪外交部並開會
April 11th, 2013. Welcome VIP dinner.
4. April 12th and 13th Spring Conference in Taipei
A conference is full of energy, creativity and education. It’s a flawless marvelous Spring Conference.

DG Joy Tsai’s article in the Spring conference handbook


Spring into the World

We have an intriguing theme for this Spring conference: “Spring into the World”. “Spring” carries several meanings. 1. Nicer weather. We think of green tender leaves are growing; pretty colorful flowers are blooming everywhere. Spring reminds us of new life and hope. 2. Spring can mean water. Water is the most essential element of life. No creatures can survive without water. 3. Spring can be a verb- leap high.
本年春季大會主題生動有趣-「躍馬迎春 放眼天下」。Spring在英文有三個不同意思,第一:春天,代表新希望。第二:泉水,乃生命所需不可缺之物。第三:當動詞用,跳躍的意思。值此春暖花開,枝頭竄綠葉,清泉湧現萬物滋生之際,我們心情雀躍,翹首企盼春季大會來臨。

Till now, our district is doing pretty well. We are having President Distinguished district status. The atmosphere in D67 is getting warmer and nicer which is like we are in spring now. When I visited clubs and big events, I saw our members smiling happily. They love learning. They enjoy Toastmastering so much. It manifests that our officers are taking good care of our members. They have been doing what I expect them to do - care about our members, not numbers. I attribute this phenomenon to our wonderful team efforts for making our district alive and vivid.

In this term, we have several important programs going on.

  1. Chair of Coach committee Jorie Wu leads a wonderful coach team- Harry Fong and Edward Chen to conduct coach trainings island wide. The results were so overwhelming. Those precious skills are not only for saving weak clubs, but also applying to our family and work. More coaching trainings are expected to come.
  2. Chief Ambassador Mike Yang leads 15 ambassadors for the promotion of education revitalized program. TI will announce the new program in this July and launch it in September. The whole manuals will be changed, so as all of the titles. It will be tailor made, digitalized and applicable to our daily life.
  3. Chair of Speakers Bureau Haishuo Lee leads the team to digitalize our training materials. Post them on Youtube. So our best trainers can be seen and invited not only locally but also world widely.
講師團主席李海碩與該團正努力著手將許多教材數位化,並上傳Youtube, 廣為提升台灣優秀講師們在本地以及國際的能見度。
  4. Chair of Realignment committee Harry Fong is helping our district for a more realistic realignment, especially in the northern Taiwan.

All of these hard efforts of on-going processes, they are like water which will have huge impacts in D67 future.

By leaping into the world, we have an excellent example – our PDG George Yen is now gloriously serving as International President. We have to be aware that we are in the biggest non-profit global organization. We are standing on the world stage. We have to broaden our heart, have world vision and use the modern technology to help our members to learn and grow.

Indeed, we are “Spring into the World”! This amazing conference is led by a dedicated and hardworking team. They want to present to you one of the best conferences ever. You can enjoy creativeness, surprises, fun with great training sections, fiercely speech contests, good social with friends. Most importantly because of your presence, it will make this conference completed and successful!
在這春暖花開之際,讓我們「躍馬迎春 放眼天下」! 我們的最佳團隊正努力不懈地聯手打造有史以來最精采可期的一次春季大會,保證創新歡樂,驚喜不斷,讓我們一起迎接一個高手過招的演講大賽,並與會員友朋切磋交流,共同學習。讓大家熱情參與,全心投入,使大會圓滿成功,這是我最衷心的期盼!

Sincerely yours,
Joy Tsai
District Governor of 2013-14

5. April 20th, 2014 The 1st Northern Coach training Intermediate level:

G部總監Kevin Ho 感言:

做為一個成功的教練,其關鍵是能建立一種狀態,有一點像寶寶依偎在父母懷中的那種絕對地信任狀態、像青梅竹馬般的真誠、像師生情誼般的尊重、也像狗狗般的好奇、是一個活在當下的狀態,在這樣的狀態裡,會使得當事人內心深處,也就是其潛意識感覺安全,教練才能進入到其內心深處進行探索,在這樣的狀態下,教練用以下各種性質的問題, 恰當的提問。
420日這一天的訓練裡,經由引導師的安排下,我們採取了一種十分特殊的姿勢,很容易的就進入教練與被教練者理想的傾聽狀態,如同LJ Lamb所分享的一般,「聽者」在沒有被干擾的情況下,腦中浮現出「說者」描述的景象,可以與說者一起探索其內心深處,這是一個很棒的經驗。進階教練的實戰篇,我們經過三輪金魚缸練習(Fishbowl Exercise),從Jorie, Harry Edward的引導演練中挖掘出許多寶貴的經驗。在學習結束道別時,我觀察到大家的眼神是亮亮的,腳步是輕盈的,我相信大家跟我一樣,是一個豐收的一天。

6. April 22th, 2014. Chung Shan NUTC chartered ceremony in Taichung.
7. April 28th,2014. New Century Bilingual TC 14th anniversary
8. April 29th, 2014. Visited Taichung Tech Toastmasters club and delivered a speech.
  Preview of the incoming events:
  1.Aug 20-23 International convention in Malaysia.
We had posted several traveling packages for our members to choose from. Please Google D67 official website.
  Till April, we are doing pretty well. We are still with President Distinguished district status. Membership growth and Coach training will be our main focus for the next two months. Let’s work together to achieve our district distinguished goal successfully. Most importantly, enjoy our Toastmastering.

By Joy Tsai DG of 2013-14