


                        情人的黃襯衫               李向慈, ATM-B Grand


When Michelle Liu called me in late October inviting me to join Legacy's dance group at the dinner show, I was reluctant (thrilled in a way) to give my consent instantly. Just think that I've had the first and second tap dances to open the dinner party, if I promised Michelle, there would be me in the first three shows in a row. I'm sure members would be fed up with the same face on stage again and again. But I was struggling in my heart. I was 50, I was qualified to be a member of the group in the “fifties”. I wanted to tell members how happy I was to turn 50. I was all ready to sizzle in the second half of life. So, there I was, a shining toastmaster dancing to “Lover's Yellow Shirt” in orange chiffon, enjoying showing off in front of fellow toastmasters.


        踏出自己演講會的大門,參與其他分會的活動,讓我這隻井底蛙大開眼界,認識了演講會的各路好漢。Eva Liu 除提供自己經營的書局的場地供我們練舞外,還幫我們挑選六套既性感又飄逸的雪紡洋裝,由二位俊男陪伴六個美女演出超現代版的『情人的黃襯衫』,讓我們不費吹灰之力就贏得了晚會的滿堂彩。William Yang 身負晚會聯絡人的重任,帶了美麗嬌小的太太 Lily 實在值得大書特書,二人一直陪伴我們練舞,只要一有人缺席,就自動補位,最後未滿三十的Lily也正式登台。俗語說得好『皇天不負有心人』,機會來了,就好好把握。 
        Going beyond my home club opened my eyes to understanding and appreciation of team spirit from other clubs. Eva Liu was sweet to provide her Brown Sugar bookstore for our rehearsals. She also helped us select six sexy stylish chiffon dresses which turned out to be the winning weapons of all the attention from the floor. We became hot and spicy girls instantly. William Yang (the chief coordinator of the dinner show) and his sweet wife Lily worth a lot of credits. They took turns standing by our group when some dancers could not make it to the rehearsals. Eventually Lily go her role. Says the Maxim, “Be prepared! Be available! When the chance falls upon you, catch it!”

        每次練舞時,大夥兒都全心投入,時光一晃就過了。第一堂課結束後,大夥相約去喝永和豆漿,是Mary 的老公付的帳。第二堂課結束,已過半夜十二點。第三堂課及第四堂課前,大夥都各自在家練好功夫才上場,指導老師阿邱為我們敬業的精神折服。最後二堂下課時,大家雖是頂著淒風苦雨回家,相信內心卻是暖烘烘的。 
        When we learned dancing, everyone was so involved that we didn't realize time could fly like a flash. Mary and her husband paid the bills of our snacks after the first rehearsal. It was after midnight when we finished the second rehearsal. For the third and fourth rehearsals, we impressed A-cho, our dance instructor, by memorizing all the steps well in heart. We made the best use of each second when we learned dancing with A-cho to make him a proud instructor. A-cho returned our dedication by arranging the music till 3AM in the morning. 

        I'm grateful I had the opportunity to know A-cho. He is full of talents and energy, waiting for his military terms in due time. I learned a lot of dancing skills and jargons from him. We had four classes with him, from the 31st of October till the 21st of November. Each class was full of excitement. I particularly dressed up for each session to videotape all the steps and movements of our group. It was so much fun! 

       A-cho was invited to our Dinner show at the Fall Convention Saturday night. He was happy to see our excellent performance full of joys and happiness. All dancers sang and danced on stage at the same time to make us look really professional. We were like the queens and kings of the street shows in Taipei, marvelous, spontaneous, and magnificent. Of course, the responsive and welcoming members gave us a lift to our newest high.

        當秋季大會的講評比賽在國軍文藝中心如火如荼地進行著,三軍軍官俱樂部勝利廳的化妝室擠滿了晚會的表演者,其吵雜勝況不下早上的傳統市場。小虎隊成員的 Justice Liao 帶著髮型造型師的太太
Vivian 隨團服務。Eva Liu 搖身一變,幫大夥化妝,打理門面。一屋子擠滿了婆婆媽媽,還有一位男扮女裝跳中東肚皮舞的碩壯俊男,大夥如同姊妹淘,交換各種從頭到腳叮叮噹噹的飾品,期求能在晚會豔驚天下,真是演講會友一家親,未來演講會閃亮之星。
When the District evaluation contest was in process Saturday afternoon, the dresser's room of the Victory Hall was packed with performers of the dinner show. It was more hustle and bustle than a traditional Chinese market in the morning. We were lucky to have Vivian, Justice's wife, as our personal hairdresser. Eva changed her role as the beautician to help us with our make up. All girls (including a mysterious male belly dancer) were generous to swap the beauty belongings to make others look at their best. We were sisters of a grand extended Toastmasters family. We were Toastmasters stars.  

         When I accepted the role, I knew immediately the challenge I'd face was the change of costumes, hairstyles, accessories at the fastest tempo possible. My first tap dance was in Japanese Ukata, dark tap shoes, and hair combed up. The second tap dance was in blue jeans, hair combed down with a cowboy hat, same tap shoes. The third pop dance was in a chiffon dress, a blue shawl, long curly hair, and a pair of high heeled golden sandals. When the masters of ceremonies announced, Ladies and Gentlemen, let's welcome the “Lover's Yellow Shirt”, I was running on the double from the dresser's room to the stage. My heart was pumping. I was 10 seconds late. But I know I should be able to change faster, run faster, and get on stage on time for my next show. 

        Lover's yellow shirt is a familiar song to senior citizens. The version we used for our dance is sung by Teresa Teng, I like the lyrics just the same, ”I have a date with my sweetheart. He wears a yellow shirt I gave him to show my affections. My sweetheart is young and hardworking. He is so much in love with me. I gave him the yellow shirt to show my endless love. I love him only, he loves me a million. My love is like flower blossom, his is like the full bright moon.”

         The curtains of D67 Fall Convention dinner show has fallen. We've stepped out of the comfort zone, we've learned Love in Fall from each other, we've grown together, but we won't stop there. We shall continue to enlarge our vision, to spread our passion and affection to more members. There are more wonderful and fruitful district 67 conventions in store, bigger and better stages to excel ourselves. Toastmasters of Taiwan, keep your eyes open! The curtains are about to rise!