


                                               小虎隊              Justice Liao, CTM 薪傳

“You guys are next!” When I heard the call to go on stage, my heart beats were accelerating. However, it was not a feeling of fear; instead, it was a feeling of excitement! Then the roaring music began to shake the stage and impact the audience.  Light on and head up, it was the time it would forever imprint in my memory! 
"你們是下一隊!"  當我聽到預備的叮嚀時,我的心雀躍不已,這是一種不可言喻的興奮心情。當動感的音樂,如火山

I still could recall the day I was asked to perform Little Tigers show. I was not expecting anything like it at that time. However, as toastmasters, we like to face new challenges. So I accepted the job without much hesitation. Jeff and Igor, my trustful teammates, also accepted the job at once. Then Eva told us to contact our dance instructor, A-Cho. 
作。我的夥伴 Jeff 和 Igor,也欣然接受這份工作。接著 Eva Liu 請我們聯絡專業的舞蹈老師 - 阿邱老師。

I am grateful for having such a wonderful teacher to coach us. He is not only my dance instructor, he is also my life friend, too. He is a talented and openhearted man. I still could recall that we were late for our first class for more than 30 minutes. Instead of being mad, A-Cho gave us three “little” strangers a kind smile and warm greetings. He taught us with patience and passion. Since then, he earned all our respect. None of us were ever absent or late for the rest of three lessons. In addition, A-Cho showed us how to master our dance step-by-step. Firstly, he taught us to memorize the steps and movements. Secondly, he emphasized on the importance of memorizing lyrics and rhyme. (Before, I could not sing a song from beginning to the end without assistance.  This song is the only song I can memorize well by heart.)  Thirdly, he focused on the uniformity among three of us. Lastly, he
taught us to create our own originalities, styles and life forces into the dance and made a customized-music for us. As Lance Miller said, mechanics weigh 15% of importance in a speech, message 35%, and life force composes rest of 50%. Dance works just the same way as speech does. Because of A-Cho's instruction and guidance, we were not just imitating the Little Tiger, we were Toastmasters' Little Tigers!   
我很慶幸我們有如此優秀的老師,他是我的良師益友。他寬敞的心胸及專業的素質,令人激賞。我依然記得第一堂課,我們遲到了半個小時以上,但是阿邱老師不僅沒有生氣,反而用溫暖的笑容來迎接我們。他耐心及熱情的教導,贏得我們的尊敬,從那天起,我們就不再遲到了。在課堂上, 阿邱老師一步步的教導我們,一開始他教我們先記住舞步及姿勢,接著強調記住歌詞及節奏的重要,再加強整體動作的一致性,最後加入自我的獨特性及熱情。 阿邱老師也做了一個客製的音樂給我們,如同 Lance Miller 的演講,技巧地重要性只佔演講的 15% , 主要訊息佔 35%,而演講者的精神態度則高達 50%,跳舞其實跟演講是相似的。因為阿邱老師的細心教導, 我們不僅是模仿小虎隊,我們是演講會的小虎隊!

During the practices, Jeff, Igor and I built good team spirit. Jeff is a talented and leading-type person. He did an excellent coordination job with A-Cho and found out the Little Tigers' MP3 and video files for us. He mastered his steps very quickly, and was willing to help us do our parts. Igor was a shy person. Initially, he did not catch the movements as quickly as Jeff. However, he worked hard on it and I was amazed by his improvement at each practice. After this event, he became more confident and self-fulfilled. Certainly, there is no free lunch in this world. The major difference between professionals and amateurs is that professionals practice before performance while amateurs practice during performance.  
在練習中,Jeff,Igor 跟我建立了良好
的友誼及默契。 Jeff 是位有潛力的領導者,他不僅幫我們聯絡阿邱老師並尋找小虎隊相關的 MP3 及影音檔,他的學習能力及樂於助人的態度,令我羨慕。雖然 Igor 的害羞性格使他進度沒像 Jeff 一樣,但熟能生巧。經過努力的練習,Igor 的進步令人刮目相看,他也越來越有自信,這就如同「世上沒有白吃的午餐」,專業跟業餘的差別就在平常練習的熟練度,唯有不斷的練習,才能有好成績。


Eva Liu generously provided her Brown Sugar bookstore for everyone to do their rehearsals. In order to be professional dancers on stage, we did not only practice together in the classroom and Eva's place. We even practiced by ourselves at home. We were so involved that we often forgot the time. We always felt there was no enough time for us to practice. 
Eva Liu 慷慨地提供場地給大家演練。為了演出專業級的表演,大家都廢寢忘食的練習,即使如此,我們還是覺得時間不夠用。

Finally, the date was coming. All of the performers crowded the dressing room to do their makeup and dressing. While the contestants of the District Evaluation Contest fought for their titles, we also fought hard to do our last minute rehearsals and preparations. All performers wanted to give their best shots at the Dinner Show. It was really a touching and exciting moment. I saw all the girls helped each other with their makeup and shared their cosmetic belongings with others. I saw Eva helping others' makeup from the beginning to the end of last performance. I saw William Yang, our chief coordinator of the dinner show, became thousand-hands Buddha to handle his speech contest, dinner show coordination, and his singing show altogether. (Of course, Lily, his wife, gave him and all of us a lot support. She also played a role in Lover's Yellow Shirt.)  I also saw all the performers encouraged everyone who was next to the stage. It did not matter what performance we were doing that night; we were all in the same team, a Toastmaster team!  
時光飛逝、期待的日子終於到來,所有的表演者聚集在更衣室裡,化妝的化妝、更衣的更衣,當地區演講比賽如火如荼的展開時,我們也在做最後的準備,所有表演者都希望在晚宴上有 最傑出的表現,這是一個令人感動又興奮的時刻。女會友們互相幫忙化妝及分享她們的化妝品,Eva 從開始到結束都在幫大家化妝。William Yang ( 晚宴主要策劃人 )更如千手觀音般,一下子參加演講比賽,一下子協調晚宴的事務,一下子做歌唱表演。 ( 當然,一個成功的男人後面都有位偉大的女性,他的夫人 Lily 不僅幫了大家無數的忙,更在情人的黃襯衫裡擔任演出。) 在每個演出之前,大家都對即將上場的表演者打氣加油。 這一夜,我們都是同一隊 - 國際演講會隊伍!

It was a great encouragement when I saw A-Cho during our Dinner Show. He stood by us before we were called on stage. The music was impressive and the dance show went smoothly. Finally, the music came to a stop and we posed our ending firmly, and I heard a loud applause and saw numerous flashlight shots. We won a standing ovation from the audience. Suddenly, we became new Toastmaster stars! It was the moment I would remember for rest of my life. We jumped down from the stage and showed our appreciation to the audience. Then we waved to the audience to say goodbye. At that moment, I was both excited and relieved. A sound coming from my heart resonated in my brain – “It is not a farewell banquet, it is a start of my performing career!” My dear fellow toastmasters, stay tuned, and don't go away.  Our next show is coming soon!
阿邱老師出現在晚宴上,這對我來說是莫大的鼓勵,他一直陪在我們身邊直到我們上場表演。 我們隨著振奮人心的音樂起舞,整個表演非常的順利,當樂聲停止,我們擺出最後的舞姿時,隨之而來的是熱烈的掌聲及耀眼的閃光燈,我們贏得了滿堂彩!就在這一刻,我們成為新的演講會巨星!這一刻,我將永遠銘記在心!我們跳下舞台,揮手向觀眾致謝及告別時,有一個聲音環繞在我腦海裡, 「這不是歡送晚會,而是我表演生涯的開始!」 我親愛的演講會伙伴們,別走遠,下一場表演即將開始!請拭目以待!