




A Hero for a life time Hubert You

The night before my 10th birthday, I received a cartoon hero puppet from my parents.  That's my favorite character at that time. I can't help but hold it tight whole night long!!! Twelve years later, I discovered another even better treasure-a priceless toy to accompany me- for the rest of my life!!!

That was a hero. That was Toastmasters program. 

I joined Toastmasters international from June, 2002.  It had been almost three years from now.  As a charter EVP for ALE Ultimate Toastmasters Club in 2002, a president for it in year 2005 and a frequent contestant for all kinds, I was so happy to meet my childhood hero again but in very different prospects. 

Toastmaster is a hero full of imagination. I've been to District level for contests four times within three years.  Each contest is an unforgettable challenge for a diversity-imagination. Not mentioning the impromptu speech (table topic) and evaluation contest which required “think on your feet” and “speak on the cliff” skills, prepared speech and humorous speech contest are an even hard work which required a wide imagination to dig out the extraordinary from the ordinary.  The changing path of delivery, the exaggeration of body language, fancy yet “get to the point” props, and unexpected twist for a laughter are all the evidences that each and every single toastmasters step up to a better presenter of all kinds. That is to say, we decorate Toastmasters and our precious life with creativity and imagination.

Toastmaster is a hero full of fighting experiences.  Not boxing with a boxer but with the mind of procrastination and other difficulties within us.  As an EVP and President of the same club, I know very well how people, including myself, “fight” with heavy daily work and the willingness of self improvement. A professional boxing trainer ever said “The winning boxer is just the one who willing to fight for another round”.  We all did.  All the active toastmasters in District 67 are unbeatable winner at all time.  Speaking of fighting, to conquer the fear of public speaking, to step out our comfort zone and to compete for self-improvement are heavy battles in Toastmasters.  With the encouragements from our senior members, mentors, and officers of all levels, we all survive and become even stronger and ready to face any tougher challenges coming toward us.  We get progress even if we didn't win the battle.  As the 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren LaCroix said “Go ahead and fall, fall forward!!!”

Toastmaster is a hero full of fun!!!  That's exactly what keeps motivating us forward. With diversity programs designed by all of our members, our learning experiences become more interesting.  At the same time, to witness the joyful smile from all our members is also the greatest presents for all the hero and heroines behind the scenes.  Spring/Fall convention, all levels of celebration and frequent club outings make Toastmasters more than a study-community.  We are, indeed, a big family. Aren't we? As the core of every presentation, it has to have a “point” and at the same time to “entertain”. We learn it from the communication track without knowing that we are, in fact, already in this friendly yet educational environment.

I have never dream about becoming a hero whom I hold in my hand tightly when I was a child.  With holding and loving Toastmasters tightly, I firmly believe that we will, “find our voice, serve our world” becoming a hero… a hero within.

Hubert You ,AUTC President