

心動不如確實行動, 行動才能與人互動



Dear Toastmasters Friends, 

Still hesitating?  How about taking action now?  There’s no other best way to spend your money than coming to Spring Convention.  Some are holding back because of the higher registration fee this year, some because of their limited time.
心動不如行動, 行動才能與人互動. 參加春季大會保證物超所值. 如果您感覺費用太高而裹足不前? 或是因當天行程未定而時間難以安排? 請繼續往下看, 充分瞭解春季大會的內容之後, 所有的猶豫因素, 都是不必要的: 

If you are the former, think about the benefits both intellectually and entertainingly you can get.  假如您覺得費用太高,想想看 多元 + 超級 + 國際 + 豪華 + 全面 + 現代 + 社交 + 休憩+ 充實 + 體驗 + 交流, 小小花費, 大大收穫, 太值得了:

1.   Enjoy three (3) workshops and (2) contests of the two main languages,
多元: 兩種主要語文都安排有三場研習會及兩場比賽

2.   Best trainers we can get for you,
超級: 最好及最具技巧與經驗的講師

3.   Meet VIPs from different corners of the world,
國際: 與國際貴賓共聚一堂,還可與其作文化交流.

4.      Fun and excitement in the opening and banquet party,
豪華: 盛大且富趣味與娛樂的開幕及閉幕式

5.   Witness the secrets and performance of all the champions of Speech Contests in different languages in the Closing Ceremony,
全面: 在閉幕式中安排五種語言演講冠軍的表演, 以見識他們的成功內容與秘訣

6.   comfy and luxurious hotel facility, 現代: 舒適氣派豪華的場地與設備

7.      Have photos with international guests and long time no see friends to rich your memory and photo album especially in the Banquet Party on Saturday night,
社交: 與國際貴賓和久未會面的朋友攝影留念

8.   Take your break to do window or real shopping, strolling along the streets and smell the aroma of downtown and countryside air if you are coming from afar,
休憩: 遠到而來的會友可趁空檔逛街,購物,散步或到郊外心曠神怡一遊

9.   Take some educational material only available in the convention home to work on enhancing your various abilities. 
充實: 攜著只有在會場才能取得到的教育資料回家, 不時溫故知新

10.   See how a big event like this are pulled off for you. 
體驗: 體會如此盛大的活動, 其事前的運作及努力, 是遠超出呈現給各位的

11.   Let your voice be heard if you have suggestions to provide and opinions to
交流: 有任何心得分享嗎? 何不來春季大會與武林同好共同切磋! 

See how superb it’ll be to join us!  不入寶山,焉得滿載回! 還猶疑什麼呢! 

Moreover, the International Speaker Mr. Rory Vaden guaranteed that you are going to be blown away with how much you’re going to learn and how much fun it’s going to be. 

Our superman Mr. Andreas Ouyang will tell you how he has stayed forever super by dedicating to be responsible to the audience.  Other trainers and speakers will set themselves as models as to how much they’ve achieved and come all the way up to the present status.  
此外, 本次大會力邀的國際講師Mr. Rory Vaden 已準備了”演講秘笈.溝通寶典”將讓參與者見識其功力,體驗教育性與趣味性兼具的研習. 我們的超人冠軍
Mr. Andreas Ouyang歐陽戈少俠, 也將再出江湖, 擷取五門七派精華, 實地傳授贏取”即席演講比賽 及 備稿演講比賽”所必備之降龍十八步心訣(套用他的話). 

Still can’t afford the time?  Then do consider evening Banquet Party.  In addition to scrumptious food that is worth $14,000.-/table, we have prepared the most exciting programs that guarantee to blow the roof off.  It’s also the best time for you to have photos with our international guests.  Just pay $990.- now. You can still catch the edge of it.

還是抽不出時間嗎? 無論如何也要考慮參加第一天的晚宴, 以享受聲色及美食並存的感覺. 除了每桌價值一萬四千元的美食,還可欣賞熱鬧有趣的節目, 所有參與演出者是T/Ms有史以來最強大的陣容. 此外晚宴還是與國際友人合影的最佳時間.只花您少少$950, 您就能享受一個”食”視”聲””的夜晚並一窺大會精華剪影.


Cordially yours, 恭候您大駕

Dr. TS Jap, DTM, Div. H Governor           Trini Ding, DTM, Div. C Governor
and all SpringCon Committee Members
H部總 葉振, C
部總監 丁海華,2008春季大會主辦單位全體成員敬邀