春風展翅 Soar Up In Spring




春風展翅 Soar Up In Spring

Dear Fellow Members of Toastmaster:

It’s another year’s inchoation and Taipei is full of blossoms in which 2011 Spring Conference will be held for you all.

今年,由CHJ部共同籌畫此次的春季大會,將於四月二十三、二十四日在台北101旁的中油大樓國際會議廳 國光廳台北市信義區松仁路3號)舉行。經過我們精心的籌備策畫,今年春季大會將有以下的特點,您一定不可錯過:
This year’s Spring Conference will be hosted by Division C, H and J.  This Conference will be held at the International Conference Hall of the CPC HQ Building(Kuokuang Hall)(No. 3, SungJen Road, HsinYi District, Taipei City)near the Taipei 101 Tower on April 23rd and 24th.  We have delicately organized
this Conference so that there will be a lot of attractions which you mustn’t miss.

1. 今年的主題是「春風展翅」,我們期許在新的一年裡,每位會友都能夠成功挑戰自我,飛向更高的成就。
The theme of the year 2011 Spring Conference is “Soar Up In Spring”.  We anticipate that every member can be successful in self-challenge this year and soar up to a new height.
2. 特別邀請到2位國外貴賓,本次大會的專題演講者為Jana Barnhill女士,她曾經擔任2008-2009年國際演講會的世界總會長,將為我們帶來許多知識與啟發性的演說。
We have invited two outstanding VIPs from abroad.  One is the keynote speaker, Ms. Jana Barnhill who was the International President of Toastmaster International in 2008-2009.  Ms. Barnhill will give us many informative
and inspiring speeches. 
  另一位國外貴賓是國際演講會第13區理事(Region 13 Director) Keith Ostergard先生,他將為我們帶來精彩可期的訓練課程。
Another VIP is Mr. Keith Ostergard, Region 13 Director of Toastmasters International, and he will bring us very marvelous  training courses.
3. 本次有國際演講和即席演講比賽,參賽者需要您的掌聲和支持。
There will be International Speech and Table Topic Contests in this Conference.  Please come to cheer your club contestants on to champion. They need your ovation and support.
4. 善用場地優勢,我們將安排豐富的各項國、台、日、英語的教育訓練,同一時段可以有多個訓練課程選擇,您一定能找到最適合您的訓練。
Make better use of different venue arrangements so that we can provide Mandarin, Taiwanese, Japanese and English educational trainings simultaneously for you and you can thus find the most appropriate training for yourself.
5. 在具有豐富大型晚會策畫經驗的會友Caroline Kiang的帶領下,精心規劃了主題性的晚會節目,特別在具備國際性表演水準的中油大樓國光廳演出,您將能欣賞到一場賞心悅目的優質精彩表演,千萬不可錯過!
Led by Ms. Caroline Kiang a very experienced toastmaster in huge party scheme, the organizing team has arranged very gorgeous thematic programs at Kuokuang Hall which has international level decoration in the CPC headquarter building.  You will have a very terrific opportunity to enjoy delicate, magnificent and beautiful programs in the Spring Conference.  Don’t miss this opportunity. 
6. 參加大費之費用合理。優惠期間,兩天全程參與,只要台幣一千九百元。過了優惠期,需要台幣兩千四百元。優惠期間自三月十五日至四月六日止。另外我們也備有各種貼心的套裝行程給忙碌的您有所抉擇。
The registration fee for early birds is NT$1,900 only. We encourage you to join the two-day event because you can get more for less. The early bird registration will start from Mar 15th to April 6th, 2011. Besides, we will also provide you several considerate packages which you can choose to fit into your busy schedule.
7. 中油大樓場地位於交通便捷的台北市政府捷運站3號出口,僅5分鐘的步行距離。距離高鐵台北站及台北火車站也僅約10分鐘左右的捷運車程。鄰近也有多種實惠的住宿選擇,更多豐富的住宿優惠資訊將即時提供在春季大會的官方網站上,我們建議您及早安排住宿的規劃。
CPC HQ building is near No. 3 exit of MRT Taipei City Government Station.  The transportation system is very convenient for all the participants.  It only takes 5 minutes by walking from the MRT Station to the Venue.  The distance from Taipei Main Station as well as the HSR Taipei Station is also about 10 minutes if taking the MRT system.   There are a lot of accommodation choices nearby.  If you want to know more information about accommodations, you can log on the official website for 2011 Spring Conference.  We recommend that you book or arrange earlier.
8. 會場周邊除了有知名的台北101、國父紀念館及新開幕的統一阪急百貨等地標,距離通化街夜市、饒河街夜市等知名商圈也相當近,是台北市最繁華熱鬧的東區心臟地帶。在精采的大會之餘,不妨體驗一下台北的熱鬧活力! 4月25日也正好是台北國際花卉博覽會的尾聲,建議您也藉此機會安排假期,順道參觀此一難得的國際盛事。
The Taipei 101 Building, Dr. Sun, Yat-sen Memorial Hall and Uni-President’s Hankyu Department Store are nearby.  It is also very near from the Venue to Tung-hua Street night market and Zau-her Street night market which are very famous commercial areas and the core zone in eastern district of Taipei City.  In addition to attending 2011 Spring Conference, you can take time to experience the vigorous Taipei life.  The Taipei Floral Expo will be ended on April 25th.  So, it will be suggested that you pay a visit to this international event in Taipei.

To sum up, be the early birds. Register as soon as possible to have your rights kept. Join us now, you won’t regret! For more details, please visit our district official website for 2011 Spring Conference (The website address will be announced soon).

We wish you a very prosperous year of rabbit! Look forward to seeing you soon in Taipei!

2011年春季大會籌辦委員會 2011 Spring Conference Committee

大會共同主席 Conference Co-Chair C部總監 Div. C Governor 李威霖 William Lee, DTM
大會共同主席 Conference Co-Chair H部總監 Div. H Governor 王騰旭 Tim Wang CTM, CL
大會副主席 Conference Ass.-Chair J部總監 Div. J Governor 莊士勇 Steven Chuang ACB, CL
