Training 課程: Mandarin Education Training-1 國語教育訓練(一)
Trainer 講師: 張俊益 JJ Chang, ACG/CL
Topic 主題: Toastmasters領導技巧讓你的職涯振翅高飛 Toastmasters leadship skills help you soar to new high in your job career
Time 時間: 16:20~17:20(60') 2013-04-20
Venue 地點: Room 201 會議室
  Resume of the Trainer 講師簡歷:

2005-2006, 2007-2008 錦繡世界英文演講會會長 (Toastmasters World Mosaic club president)
2008-2009 A3區總監 (Area A3 governor)
2011年春季大會合格領導員訓練講師 (Instructor of Toastmasters 2011 SpringConf Competent leadership training) 2009年秋季大會進階手冊訓練:技術性簡報講師 (Instructor of Toastmasters 2009 FallConf advanced manual training: Technical presentation session) 大鐸資訊公司策略長 (Tudor technology system corporation/Chief Strategy Officer) EDS公司客戶服務部主管 (Electronic Data System/Client Delivery Executive) 33年資訊服務產業經驗 (Thirty three years of experiences in Information Technology Service Industry)
  Brief of the Training 課程簡介:
  1. 為何你需要在Toastmaster成為一位合格領導員?
Why you need to become a competent leader in Toastmasters?
  2. 如何在Toastmaster成為一位合格領導員?
How to become a competent leader in Toastmasters?
  3. Toastmaster合格領導員的十堂課。
Ten courses of competent leader's training in Toastmasters.
Under a series of cry-out of 22K controversial wages, the young generations generally feel that they couldn’t see future. While ubiquitous high-end vehicles and real estates reflect that the business of car vendors and property developers continue to break new high. Apparently, part of people manage the present well and see their future. In this M-style of society, how to break through the status quo and change adversity to become prosperity is the issue that everybody seeks from their dreams for thousand times.
曾經管理近百名工程師的團隊,在加入Toastmasters後,職涯更是達到高峰。JJ Chang 將以多年的專業管理經驗,從實務面與分享大家Toastmasters的領導統御技巧如何活學活用,讓大家在工作上能駕輕就熟,振翅高飛。
Had ever been managed approximate 100 engineers size of team, JJ Chang’s professional career reached a new high after he joined Toastmasters. With many years of management experiences, JJ would like to share with everybody, from practical aspect, how to apply the leadership skills we learn in Toastmasters, so we can handle jobs easily, which in turns help everybody soar to new high.
  Training 課程: Mandarin Education Training-2 國語教育訓練(二)
Trainer 講師: 連雅婷 Athena Lien, DTM
Topic 主題: 人際溝通與領導
Time 時間: 15:00~15:40(40') 2013-04-21
Venue 地點: Room 201 會議室
  Resume of the Trainer 講師簡歷:
  國際演講會 Toastmasters International
祥祥英語國際演講會創會會長 (Sunshine Club Charter President)
昇華中文進階國際演講會創會會長 (Sunflower Club Charter President)
昇來英語國際演講會創會導師 (Sunrise Club Mentor)
錦繡大地英語國際演講會創會導師 (World Mosaic Club Mentor)
山川日語國際演講會創會導師 (YamaKawa Club Mentor)
摩拖羅拉台灣英語國際演講會創辦人 (Motorola Club Sponsor)
輔仁大學英語國際演講會創辦人 (FJU Club Sponsor)
D67 2001年會大會主席 (2001 D67 Convention Chair)
D67 地區總會推廣副總會長傑出表現獎2001-2002年 (DLGM)
D67 地區教育訓練副總會長傑出表現獎2002-2003年 (DLGE)
D67地區總會長,全球地區總會排名第十名傑出表現獎2003-2004年 (DG)
2012 秋季大賽台語講評演講比賽第三名
  社區服務 Community
台北扶輪社主辦 2011年全國大專院校英語演講比賽主委
Chair of the 2011 Annual Inter-collegiate Speech Contest, Rotary Club of Taipei
  現職 Professions
飛翔國際美語協會 執行長
富萊英國際文教事業 負責人
元鴻財富顧問股份有限公司 財產規劃師
Brief of the Training 課程簡介:
帶人先帶心 (先處裡心情再處裡事情)