



Dear fellow Toastmasters,

     2013 Spring Conference in Taichung is around the corner.  If you haven’t made up your mind to come to Taichung, take action and click here to register.  The keynote speaker, Daniel Rex, the executive director of the headquarters, will tell us about “The Evolution of Toastmasters.”  George Yen, who will be the first president of Toastmasters International from Taiwan, is going to talk about “Transformational Leadership for the 21st Century.”  Educational workshops will provide the information you need not only in Toastmasters but also at your work.  Besides, exciting speech contests are sure to give you a great impact.  At the dinner party, the most energetic dancers are there to show their talents.  After that, you can enjoy the live band, chatting or dancing with your friends.

2013春季大會在臺中即將到來,如果您還沒決定是否要參加,請點擊我們的網頁馬上行動,報名參加。 此次大會的教育訓練講師師資陣容堅強,有世界總會執行長Daniel Rex 和即將就任國際演講會總會長的顏瑛宗會友等。精彩刺激的各項演講比賽一定會帶給您無限的衝擊。在晚會上您將能欣賞到最青春洋溢的舞蹈表演。此外,您也可享受現場樂團的演奏,盡情的與大家聊天或跳舞同樂。

    We sincerely invite you to come to Hsiang Yuan, Taichung where you can attend the conference, exercise, and lodge without bothering about the traffic.  Don’t miss the great opportunity.  Seize the last chance to register before the deadline of the early bird, April 15.  



Invited by
Jennifer Huang, Teresa Chang  
黃緹涓、張海星,  CEO 大會總幹事
Emma Lin      
林以媜, Chair, Div. B Governor
Bruce Yang   
楊博志, Chair, Div. I Governor
Harriet Liao   
廖淑靜, Chair, Div. L Governor
Frank Ho     
何昆澤, Chair, Div. F Governor
with Committee members of 2013 Spring Conference

2013春季大會全體委員 敬邀