

How To Stop An Angry Elephant With 66 Dollars  

First Place Winner of the 1998 National Speech Contest 1998.3.15. Martin Forrest


Honored President, Distinguished Officers, Awesome Members and Wonderful Guests.
Sunday evening, you are outside McDonald's with your wife and two children. You've just bought a coke and have 66 dollars in your hand. Suddenly you're attacked by an angry elephant. Impossible, Sure. But suppose it was an angry Chen Jin-Shing? Could you stop him with 66 dollars? No way, anyway I am safe here in my own city, my own street, my own home.

Are you sure? Yes. There's 20,000,000 people in Taiwan. (Figures) Now, Taiwan has a homicide rate of 1:17,000 that's second highest in the world. In 1996 over 8,000 men, 11,000 women were victims of violent crime. 549 are not alive today

In 1997, over 1,440 women were raped that's over 3 a day. 10%, 144 were girls under 12. Still feeling safe? Yes? It will never happen to my family. (Newspapers)

Kao Tien Ming, Chen Jin Shing kidnap and murder a 18 year old schoolgirl.
Chen Jin Shing rapes 17 women.
Two teenagers throw acid on an old handicapped man while robbing him.
Outside Taipei First High School, a crazy woman throws a bucket of acid on some girls.
In Tainan a doctor is kidnapped, and murdered over baby food!

If you still feel safe. I honestly admire your optimism.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I love Taiwan. Wo Shi Wan Taiwan. I've lived here for nearly five years. I have a beautiful wife and a beautiful baby girl who is six months old today. I am not here to make you feel scared. I am here to make you feel safer. I will now give you some knowledge about self-defense which may save you and your family some day.

Why should you know this?

Well, a large part of Chinese history is influenced by Yin/ Yang(陰/陽). Yang life is bright and beautiful. But Yin life can be dark and dangerous. Can you defend yourself when you might face the dark side? I will now give you some brief concepts on self-defense.
A. It's not the stuff of Hong Kong movies.
B. Always avoid fighting until you have no choice.

There are three stages in mental preparation. Green, Orange, Red.

Green: Awareness-know what's going on. If you want to know about your health, yougo to a
              doctor. If you want to know about the health of your neighborhood, go to your local police

Orange:  Anticipation--get ready for action. You notice two men outside your house. Do you walk on
              carelessly with your hands in your pocketW or do you take your hands out and cross the

Red:    Action. Now you are faced with danger. You have two choices. Words or War.

Words:   Last year in England an old 72 year-old man was robbed at knife point by two teenagers. He
              suddenly got a heart attack saying, "Call an ambulance." The robbers ran away. He phoned
              the police.

War:   Now you will have to fight . Oh, where to hit? Well, hit something soft, eyes,nose, throat,
             and solar plexus. Can't remember? Don't worry.Just think T. Nature has put all of these in a
             T-line. How to hit? All of us have hidden energy and power. Try this clap, clap, bang. Now
             try your face.

We are now back outside McDonald's. You have your family, your coke and your 66 dollars. The two guys run at you. Response Hit and Run.
Straw through cheek.(Apple)
66 dollars thrown at attacker.
Now run for safety.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Now you have a choice. I will visit your clubs and share my knowledge to help you become more confident. All you have to do is phone Taoyuan Club. The choice is yours.
Hurt or Happiness.
Sadness or Success.
Victim or Victory.
Live in peace.