
  傑出會員回顧 - 李新猷  


1987 加入台北國際英語演講會.

1999 榮獲 1 DTM.

2019 榮獲 2 DTM.

誰知道 3 DTM 在何時呢?

現在正在Pathways 旅程上持續學習 :)


Harrison Lee
Legacy 薪傳

■ I joined Taipei Toastmasters Club in 1987. 
It took me more than 12 years to earn my first DTM on Jan. 12th, 1999 and another 20 years to achieve my 2nd DTM on July 2nd, 2019.

■ Why did it take so long to achieve my 2nd DTM?
I strongly believe that the progress is the result of properpressure!

■ A chronic disease is the result of over pressure.
When it stops being good, it stops getting better.
Slowly but surely stop learning is a different form of death.

Above statements are my motto in life.

■ After actively involving in many Toastmasters activites, for instance: attending different clubs' meetings, area and district training, organizing council cofference, serving as club president twice, sponsoring and mentoring over 5 clubs,serving as area governor, council northern division governor,council P.R., providing council training,offering 3 youth leadership workshop and 2 speech crafts as well as attending international conference in Malaysia.

■ Through these learning and sharing processes.
I have become an outstanding tour guide,tour manager, teacher, professional trainer, auctioneer,
wedding host, public speaker,interpreter, writer and advisor. In a nutshell ,I am a slashie in many fields.

All credits shall be given to Toastmasters environment.

■ Moreover, there are many Toastmasters who ever helped and inspired me to earn 2 DTMs.
The first is Athena Lien,DTM, who joined Toastmasters after I did, yet with her fast growth in Toastmasters, she motivated me to unleash my potential to earn my first DTM before she did. I didn't want to lose my face to be surpassed by her. I therefore pushed myself to complete 10 advanced speeches, 1 youth leadership and 1 speech craft within one year.

■ The second excellent member who inspired me is Jorie Wu, DTM. She earned her first DTM after I did . However, she earned the 2nd DTM faster and earlier than I did .

Through healthy and friendly competition , I heard my inner voice talking to me: How come I was so slow and lazy to hinder my growth in Toastmasters learning environment?

■ Finally, with the help from Legacy EVP Johnson and my deep love and passion to Legacy TMC, which I co-sponsored with Harry Fong, DTM more than 20 years ago, I made it!

With their encouragements and the willing to help Legacy Club to earn 10 DCP points , I set a goal to finish 15 advanced speeches, 4 workshops and an HPL project, under Caroline's guidance, within one year.

Occasionally, giving yourself a little push, it will really bring the best in you.

■ Currently, I am taking my journey to enjoy new Pathways learning.

Who knows when will I get my 3rd DTM. Nevertheless, I will continuously preach to my students and friends how much I have gained the benefits from my beloved Toastmasters community! I hope that they can also get the same benefits as I do! In addition, I am firmly convicted that the best way to grow is to help others grow!
Therefore, I will continuously invite my friends and students to join the big family of Toastmasters so as to learn, grow as well as have fun together!

Harrison Lee