
  傑出會員回顧 - Linda Tseng  

Making a different as a Toastmaster

Lidia Tseng

D67 A1 PEGA PEGA TMC President 2018-2019

你不必很厲害才開始行動,但你要開始行動才能變厲害! 我完全同意! 如果你想要有些改變,你一定會害怕很多沒有理由的事,但主要在於你想要什麼?你的目標是什麼?如何去實現它!

Linda Tseng
Pega Pega

四年前,我收到公司的信來自Toastmaster 範例會議的邀請,我也在想很多不能參加的理由像是我很多工作要做、我要接小孩,還有我不能看韓劇了不知如何,我告訴我自已我想要改變我想要像那些Toastmasters的會員一樣可以讓來自不同領域的人會更有自信,成為最佳的溝通者及領導人!

我真的從Toastmasters學習到很多簡報表達技巧, 當你加你會學習到如何善用時間。當你站在舞台,你會學習克服你的恐懼與觀眾連結。當你成為幹部,你會知道如何和大家溝通。感謝Toastmasters讓我變得自信。有一個機會需使用英文簡報技巧,在去年我弟弟邀請我和他參加2018亞洲黑客松競賽,我們代表台灣得了冠軍和最佳創意獎至韓國領獎!


You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great! I absolutely agree!If you would like to do something different you must be afraid of everything even that is not a reason. The main thing is you have to think about what do you want? What is your goal? How to achieve it?

Four years ago, I received the invitation of Toastmasters DEMO meeting at my company. I was thinking the same thing I have a lot of work to do, I need to pick up my kids everyday and I don’t have time to watch Korea drama...

Somehow I told myself I want to be different as all Toastmasters said that it has helped people from diverse backgrounds becomes more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders.

I learned many presentation skills from all Toastmasters. When you join the Toastmasters you will learn how to arrange your time. When you stand on the stage you will learn how to conquer your fear and connect your audiences. When you be a officer you have to learn how to communicate with all members.

I want to say thanks for all Toastmasters who make me confident for everything. I have had a opportunity to use the presentation skills that last year my brother invited me to attend the 2018 ASIA Hackathon competition to win the champion of Invincible Hacker award and the best popularity award that we can represent Taiwan to engage awards ceremony in Korea.

I will think about the value I am gaining from my toastmasters experiences. I will reflect on what I have achieved and renew my commitment to progress towards my next personal goal. Let’s positively impact the lives of more and more people.