
  傑出會員回顧 - 黃偉庭  

前M部總監Tim Huang,英語一口溜。事業繁忙,仍積極參與,分享經驗,服務會員。九年內做了不少教育訓練,完成所有挑戰,成為傑出會員。感謝並恭喜他!

Tim Huang, Past Division G Governor, accomplished all the challenges in nine years. He has been an active member and very popular since the day he joined TMs. Our gratitude and heartfelt congratulations to Tim!

Tim Huang, DTM
Tim started his Toastmaster’s journey 9 years ago at renowned World Mosaic Toastmasters Club, one of the home clubs of George Yen, DTM, Toastmasters International President 2013-2014 and District 67 Governor 2004-2005. Within six months as a new member, Tim volunteered as VP Education and later served as President of World Mosaic Toastmasters Club, where the club achieved Select Distinguished Award and third place of District 67 club website contest 2011-2012.

Tim Huang
World Mosaic

World Mosaic has been known for its high quality meetings, two District Evaluation Champions, and platform to grow in multiple possibilities. The club's annual Evaluation Nights have helped evaluation contestants grow further and predicted results of top three winners from District 67 Evaluation Contests in 2011 and 2016. Tim was inspired by seven DTMs in World Mosaic and had a dream to become like them, as the next eighth DTM, to deliver speeches fluently and lead to serve others. In Toastmasters, anything is possible.

To grow further in service leadership, Tim served as Area G1 Governor and was elected as Division G Director. By leveraging best practices from District 89, Tim had a vision to implement Table Topics evaluation in Division to help members improve on Table Topics, and organize successful Division G Golden 10th Year Anniversary.

Tim gained opportunities to serve as District Conference Education Program Trainer, Division Trainer on Moment of Truth (關鍵時刻) and Meeting Roles (例會成員職責), Speech Contest Chief Judge, Division Evaluation Champion, and working ambassador from District 67 for Districts 85 and 89.

Tim is a mentor of Young-Bankers Toastmasters Club (the second chartered club of Far Eastern International Bank) and a member of Legacy Toastmasters Club where he learns and enjoys with laughter. Since 2016, Tim has been developing skills in District Speakers Bureau (講師團) as a trainer.

Toastmasters has changed my life to grow. I am moved that my growth had inspired guests to join Toastmasters and some members served as District Leaders. There are many wonderful, awesome leaders who are my mentors and provide opportunities to speak. You touch my heart in ways it is hard for me to describe in such a short sentence. I am grateful for our journeys growing in Toastmasters together.