







譯者:邱少為 Alex, Ping Tung

The Joy of Mentoring
作者:Bob Armstrong

Helping new members brings unexpected rewards.

“My mentor helped me so much.”
“It was great to go through my speech with my  mentor.”

I have often heard statements like these in my Toastmasters club. When you are new to our organization, it’s great to have a guide. The benefits can be immeasurable: A good mentor can help a new member organize a speech, fulfill objectives for a project and assist in reducing distracting mannerisms, such as verbal crutches and ineffective body language.

However, as someone who has been a Toastmaster since 1987 and has coached many members, I can assure you that there are benefits to being a mentor as well. Let’s look at the advantages of performing this important and rewarding role. 


Racking up Rewards


First of all, when you are assigned a mentee who is serious about improving, it is satisfying to watch this person progress. An enthusiastic Toastmaster who is eager to learn is a mentor’s dream. On some occasions in my club, I think I have been more excited than the speaker when listening to a presentation where I helped the speaker improve.

For example, I recall two instances in which I listened to someone’s Ice Breaker in a practice session and was able to offer valuable tips. Factually and logically the speeches were great, but they lacked a grabber – something to pull the audience in at the start. In each speech, the perfect opening was hidden – a rhetorical question in one and a humorous personal statement in the other. I made a note of this and commented at the end of each: “You know that statement about XYZ? That’s your opening.” We rearranged the speeches accordingly. I couldn’t wait to hear these speeches at the club meeting to see how the new openings worked.

On another occasion, I was helping a young lady with a project. In her speech, she had a fairly long personal story that was amusing and also made a point. She was reading it from notes. After I had heard the entire speech, I said: “That’s a personal story. I know you’ve told that story many times. If you were out with a group of friends and you were relating that story, would you need notes?” The obvious answer was no. I told her to throw the notes away and imagine telling the story in a more casual setting. She did and it worked wonderfully. It was rewarding to see the results of my coaching efforts at the Toastmasters meeting.


A particular joy in being a mentor is that we can enhance people’s self-confidence by pointing out strengths they didn’t realize they had. This can be a confidence-booster for both the mentor and the mentee with a wonderful principle of reciprocity at play here: By boosting another’s self-esteem, we boost our own.

Yet another advantage of mentoring is that it allows me to reminisce about my own Toastmasters experience. When I am helping someone with a body language project from the basic manual, for example, I think back to when I did this project. I sometimes dig out my old manual. I reflect on my speech topic and the person that evaluated me. I also remember what I did well and the areas where I could have improved. This causes me to give better direction to the person I’m working with.


The process of mentoring has also made me a better evaluator. I am known in my club as the person who tells it like it is, and I often get requests from members to evaluate them. When you are an experienced mentor, you look at speeches differently, always seeking ways to enhance a person’s strengths. I do this when I am observing world leaders and politicians, too. In addition, I know my performance in Toastmasters’ annual Evaluation Speech Contest has improved as a result of being a mentor. 

Reaping Dividends


Being a mentor has improved my life in numerous unexpected ways. Here are a few: 


• I learn new things.
Sometimes I think I learn more than the member I am helping. On occasion a mentee will ask me a question for which I have to look up the answer. I will consult course notes or books from years ago. Occasionally I treat myself to a new book on public speaking as a result. This keeps me knowledgeable and current on the topic.

• I laugh more.
Since my speaking style tends to be on the humorous side, I am often asked to add humor to a presentation. This keeps me thinking along these lines and helps me to be more creative. 

• It’s music to my ears

I recently began helping two friends with the guitar, one of whom is a Toastmaster. Because they have asked me questions about chord structure and picking techniques, I have been reviewing old theory books that hadn’t been cracked open in years. In order to share this information, I’m relearning it all. As my dad, a musician, used to say, “There’s nothing more educational than teaching.” 

• It might be a business.
Many Toastmasters, myself included, have become professional speech coaches or seminar leaders on the topic of effective presentations. This has resulted in travel and financial gain. I also write humorous speeches for clients or add humor to their existing presentations. 

• I have a great social life.
I have been invited to people’s homes on many occasions as a result of helping them with a speech. Long-lasting friendships can occur. One of my mentees from 16 years ago is still a good friend. He has moved to another city, but we still keep in touch and visit each other from time to time. 

• Networking! Mentoring has put me on the map.
One of the women I mentored recommended my business to her supervisor. This company is now one of my clients. 

Enjoying the Process
A good friend, also a longtime Toastmaster, and I have developed what we call a “consenting mentoring relationship.” When either one of us is preparing any kind of a presentation, we get together and do the mentor/mentee roles. This is over and above club assignments. Because we know each other really well, we are allowed to be completely honest. This has helped both of us immensely; we park our egos at the door and put the goal of a good presentation first.

Other longtime Toastmasters have had similar mentoring experiences. Judy Suke, DTM, of First Waterdown Toastmasters in Waterdown, Ontario, Canada, finds that she benefits as much as the mentee, if not more, from the process: “Many times I have received a huge hug and heard the words, ‘You changed my life.’ The warmth just spread through me.” Don Rode, ATMS, CL, of Garden City Toastmasters in St. Catharines, Ontario, says, “I am always pleased and very proud when the student surpasses the teacher! One of the ladies I mentored went on to leadership roles and contest wins within our area. Now, as a professional speaker, she is encouraging me to go where she has gone. I will be very happy to now learn from her.”
許多資深的演講會會員,也有類似的指導經驗。加拿大安大略省Waterdown市,First Waterdown演講會傑出會員Judy Suke表示,指導過程中,她的收穫絕對多過於被指導會友:「許多次,我被緊緊擁抱,他們對我說:『我的生命因為妳而改變』;這樣的話語,總是讓我全身暖洋洋的。」另一位安大略省St. Catharines市,Garden City演講會會員Don Rode, ATMS, CL說道:「當學生青出於藍時,總是讓我既驕傲又高興。一位我曾指導過的女性,晉升到領導階層,也在分區比賽中奪冠。她現在是一位專業演說家,一直鼓勵我跟隨她的腳步。我很高興現在可以向她學習。」

I offer just one caveat: Unless you are an experienced public speaker when you join Toastmasters, do not start mentoring too soon. I recommend that you complete at least the Competent Communication manual or give several evaluations before serving as mentor. Jumping in and trying to mentor someone before you are ready can leave the mentee with a bad feeling about the process. A good way to avoid this situation is to have an experienced Toastmaster in your club assign experienced mentors to new Toastmasters.

Mentoring – like forgiveness – is often a selfish act. It can benefit the giver more than the receiver. I urge you to get involved in this rewarding and enjoyable experience. Happy mentoring!

Bob Armstrong, DTM, is a member of Garden City Toastmasters in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. He is a professional speaker, entertainer and entertainment agent. More information is at www.mergetel.com/entertain
Bob Armstrong,
傑出會員,加拿大安大略省St. CatharinesGarden City演講會會員。職業演說家,表演工作者及經紀人。更多的資訊,可以造訪 www.mergetel.com/entertain

譯者:邱少為Alex, Ping Tung Toastmasters Club

For more information, read “Mentor a Member” on the Toastmasters Web site. (The link is www.toastmasters.org/mentoramember.) Consider giving the Successful Club Series presentation about mentoring to your club. That program (Item 296) can be purchased on Toastmasters’ online store.
