



DVD 訂購單意見調查表

Dear Presidents & Leaders,

Thank you so much to participate and support 2006 Fall Convention. This is the key point to let 2006 Fall Convention perform successfully. 

The Contests were the main session in the Convention. Hereby I would like to let you know the results of all the contests in the Convention and hope you would give them some words to congratulate them for their great achievements.
另外,國語幽默演講及講評比賽冠軍,許秀華孫旭群會友將代表 District 67參加本週五(11/2526) District 80 在澳門舉辦的比賽,為大家爭光,祝福他們凱旋而歸。華語比賽在第一天 週五(11/24)。

If you haven't order DVD on-site and want to keep those wonderful memories please use the form to order.At the end, I still want to say thank for giving us such great chance to serve all of you.
如果您尚未於現場訂購大會 DVD,但仍想擁有那些美好回憶,您可以使用我們提供的 DVD 訂購單來訂購。最後我們仍要說,感謝大家給我們這麼好的機會來服務您,謝謝!

       By the way, doing research is my professional specialty. I design a questionnaire for the Convention as attached file in order to know your feedback objective and systematical. Some of members already filled out it and put it in receipt desk of the convention. But most of members didn't do it. So would you please to print out, fill out, and fax to me ( 07- 6264650). I think it will be a very useful information for District 67 to improve in holding the Convention. Thanks!
另外,從事研究工作是我的專業,我也為大會設計了一份問卷,旨在客觀地、系統性地瞭解您的意見,有些會員已經填寫完畢並送交至大會註冊處,但大多數的會員尚未填寫,若您方便,可否請您列印並填寫,再傳真給我 (07-626-4650)。我想這些資訊對於 District 67未來精進大會的品質是非常有幫助的,感謝您的協助!


Best regards,

Rose Lee & Lillian Huang

Chair & Co-Chair of 2006 Fall Convention