
Dear nominating committee members,

Thank you all for your support. we've officially organized 2014~2015 District Nominating Committee. Committee Members are as follows:
1. chair of the nominating committee: Marian Hsiao 蕭敏環  
2. Division A Governor: Edward Chen 陳世明  
3. Division B Governor: Alice Li 李清霞  
4. Division C Governor: Sterling Hsiao 蕭忠文  
5. Division D Governor: Roger Huang 黃意程  
6. Division E Governor: Emily Chan 詹康鈴  
7. Division F Governor: Jiang-Sung Wei 魏江松  
8. Division G Governor: Kevin Ho  賀開誠  
9. Division H Governor: Lawrence Huang 黃師堯  
10. Division I Governor: Game Liao 廖正順  
11. Division J Governor: Sunny Liao 廖鳳儀  
12. Division K Governor: Peyton Kim 金培琨  
13. Division L Governor: Lina Yang 楊郁華  
The work of the nominating committee is to make sure district elections successful. Our work is: 我們的工作是確保總會選舉順利成功。工作如下:

1. to seek out prospective candidate(s) (that is: to seek out your division governor successor)
    找出候選人, 也就是找出你下屆部總監人選。

2. to evaluate,interview candidates and provide a complete report of candidates (see attachment 1)
    評估, 訪問候選人並提供他/她們的完整報告 (請參考附檔1)

3. to use the checklist to determine if the candidates meet the required qualification for office (attachment 2)
    判斷候選人是否符合資格 (請參考附檔2)

4. nominate candidates and sign your name on the nominating form (attachment 3)
    提名這個(些)候選人, 並在提名表格上簽上你的大名(請參考附檔3)

5. All candidates must sign their names on "Officer Agreement and Release Form" (attachment 4)
    候選人必須在同意書上簽名 (附檔4)

All of you are very busy serving members of your division. So, just submit nominating form (attachment 3) and release form (attachment 4 ) to me by e-mail no later than February 14. I strongly suggest you to hand the two forms to me in person in District Mid Year Training in Taipei on January 26.
各位總監會務繁忙,因此在你做完評估,確定候選人資格無誤後,只要交給我提名表格 (附檔3) 及候選人同意書即可。可e-mail給我。我比較建議大家在明年1月26日台北舉行的總會年中會議時親自將這二份表格交給我。工作完成後,我會在明年二月向總會長報告全部候選人名單。

The deadline of submitting the two forms to me is February 14th,2014.

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Marian Hsiao
蕭敏環 敬上