





中山樓秋季大會宣傳單秋季大會議程表專題演講Dana Lamon英文進階手冊教育訓練中文教育訓練訂購 DVD交通方式大會主題徵稿得獎名單分會旗幟及照片晚會表演節目沙發衝浪在台北
Spectacular architecture Chung Shan Hall
詩意的建築  中山樓

Chung Shan Hall occupies a field of more than 130,000 square meters, and the building itself takes a dimension of over 18,000 square meters and 34 meters in height.  Situated in the sulfurous area of Yang Ming Shan, the structure is firmly founded on a ground base composed of mixtures of soft and hard soil, rocks and mud, as a consequence of a challenging construction process.  The Chung Shan Hall is a rarit of large-size edifice in the world that is erected directly at sulfuric gas spurting pit.
中山樓佔地總面積逾13萬平方公尺, 建樓總面積逾1萬3千平方公尺, 樓高34公尺, 位於陽明山硫磺區, 地基土質軟硬混集, 石方, 淤泥雜聚, 工程艱鉅, 為全世界罕見接構築於硫磺坑口上之大型建築物.

An innovative masterpiece based on the motif of Chinese classic patial architecture, Chung Shan Hall was erected following th enatural terrain of mountain with an emphasis of symmetric layout and magnificent exterior.  The grandeur of the orderly appearance harmonized with Yang Ming Shan, the most beautiful scenery in northern Taiwan.  The interior embellishments such as palace lanterns, mother of pearl inlaid furniture, ceiling, design of doors and windows, and color drawings on pillars, etc. are find exemplars of elegance and delicacy that are highly acclaimed by artistic and intellectual circles.
以傳統宮殿式建築藝術為基調而創新設計的中山樓, 全樓依山而起, 依勢而建, 特別強調佈局之對稱與外觀之壯麗, 其錯落有致, 氣勢雄偉之建築外觀, 巧妙的結合了北台灣最美的陽明山景色, 內部裝飾如宮燈, 螺鈿傢俱, 天花板, 門窗設計及樑柱彩繪皆極為典雅精緻, 深獲藝術文化界高度評價

Writing a new page of history for Taiwan

All the artifacts, calligraphic works, paintings, and mother-of-pearl inlaid furnitures displayed in each room of Chung Shan Hall were done exclusively by our own people from design, choice of materials, constructing, display to finishing by Taiwanese people from design, choice of materials, constructing, display to finishing.  Over 400 handcrafted palace lanterns hung in the giant marble pillars, ceilings, and walls, the special design of doors and the windows, the color drawings on ceilings and pillars, the reliefs, and the masterpieces of dozens of modern Chinese painters display the glory of national hall.
中山樓各廳室陳設的文物, 字畫及各式特製之螺鈿傢俱等, 從設計, 材料, 建構, 陳設到完工, 全為國人自行完成, 無一假手於外人. 在巨型大理石柱, 天花板及牆上懸掛著400多彩繪, 浮雕以及數十位當化名家國畫精品的相互輝映下, 更襯托出國家殿堂的尊榮

Brilliant reflection of modernity and history; Dialog between art and technology

Chung Shan Hall once served as an exclusive convention site for the defunct National Assembly, and an eminent locale for the state head’s receiving distinguished foreign guests, or hosting state banquets.  Up to present, the Hall still preserves many important scenes that witnessed our constitutional development and other contemporary historical events.  The classic and exquisite furnishing in each room creates a milieu for a dialog between modern technology and artistic music.  The government has designated this invaluable national cultural asset as a historic monument.
中山樓曾為前國民大會專屬議場及國家元首接待各國貴賓或舉辦國宴之重要場所, 至今仍完整保留許多見証我國憲政發展及其他有關近, 現代歷史事件的重要場景, 而各個廳堂典雅細緻, 饒富古趣的裝潢設施, 完美呈現出科技與藝術巧思的對話氛圍,此一珍貴的國家文化資產, 業經政府公告指定為古蹟.