




1. 邀請 2003年世界冠軍Jim Key專題演講;
1. Keynote speech by 2003 World Champion of Public Speaking, Jim Key
2. 提供多樣的教育訓練課程供您選擇;
2. Multiple choices of training programs.
3. 首次安排國台語的比賽與英語比賽使用同一個表演大廳;
3. The first time we are able to witness the Mandarin, Taiwanese, and English speaking contests in the same Auditorium Hall
4. 免費提供媽祖文物導覽活動;
4. Free guided tour of Matsu's arts & crafts collection;
5. 中場休息時間提供每人一份完整的餐點及節目表演;
5. Entertainment and pre-packaged box of delicious fruit and snacks provided duringthe intermission.
6. 豐盛的晚宴及特別節目安排;
6. Well organized banquet and programs;
7. 特別提供鎮瀾宮及中原紫雲禪寺之香客大樓供與會者住宿;
7. Provide attendants special accommodation in Jenn Lann Temple and Central Plains Buddhist Temple;
8. 最低的收費(提早報名者,兩天全部只要 1200/人)及最優惠的獎勵方案 (提早報名者,每10人繳費,贈送 1人免費;20人繳費,贈送 3人免費)。
8. The lowest price (early bird: NTD1200 for 2-day full package) and the best       premium plan (10+1 free or 20+3 free);